Prev evoker is trash now "hot take" Not

Right, I hate Fotm crap, but thats why you have to pick Priest/mage/rogue if you always wanna be in the meta. everything else just gets to take turns. but prev is just bad rn MW isn’t great the healing goes Disc/hpal/rdruid/rsham/hpriest/mw/prev

Disc has been good for 2weeks and holy not at all this xpac… Pevoker was BUSted and now is still solid.
WIll agree rogue/mage busted but when it comes to pevoker, you’re just wrong.

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You bring up Priest healers too yet for the majority of this game’s history Holy was the worst spec in the game, Rogues couldn’t play Outlaw/Combat for a lot of expansions and Sub was a dead spec for the entirety of BfA and has seen a lot less play this expansion compared to Assassination which is usually always good.

? what, what happened

For one, my computer’s security software immediately hit me with a “Suspicious page blocked for your protection”.

Sounds like your security software is overprotective, the site is fine.

awww, yeah most use it and theres another. can’t remember the name.

Again you are talking certain specs, I’m confused. I just said the class in general they have always been good there is no debate thats a fact. we done with you now ok.

Is that really the website you use?

Can you take a screenshot of it?

Because this game doesn’t operate by classes, it operates by specs.

Its not .com either its Check-pvp . fr

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It really is and no. If you don’t want to use it then that’s all good but like Failedwizard said also, it’s fine and most use it. You can find other sites also

You/re right, sry i never look up at the bar since site saved to top my task

Sorry, it isnt . com

You sent them to a dangerous website.


Sorry, deleted it lol

Are you watching Bankmw? He’s a beast and fun to watch. I just started my MW couple days ago and AM TERRIBLE at fistweaving but i’m learning. Also hard to do with all honor gear but now has almost capped conq. struggling low rss but learning and trying not to panic as a FW

I’m watching him and he is insanely good, I don’t think its fair to say Fistweaving is the same as a disc because the skill difference is immense.

NEVER said it’s the same. Disc is busted right now BECAUSE the damage but I’m saying MW isn’t bad and for rss i Think Fistweaving is actually insane. With no Gear i was pulling 30-40k hps while keeping around 10-20k dps depending on what i fight … I’m learning also and those numbers will get better.