Pretty Jealous of Dark Iron Dwarves

They get a set of weapons and shield that match their heritage set.

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On the other hand DI have the ugliest heritage set of them all lol

How can they have that when worgen exist?


and gnomes. :rofl:

Yeah i made a thread a couple of weeks ago about those two dwarf axes they added this month. Two axes, and neither colour matches their heritage armor. Very disappointing.

The gnome’s heritage armor looks great! The worgen’s on the other hand… Not so much.


I would like to see more races get the mount and racial weapons with bonus heritage quest combo that Dark Iron and blood elves got.

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Nonsense, nonsense and poppycock. The Dark Iron Heritage set is perfect for the Soldier look.

It’s too perfect for gnomes. :robot::+1:

Although i’m curious what happened to the planes from that quest. :robot:

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Dark Iron Dwarfs have good looking heritage armour, provided you ignore the helmet!

Fixed that for you.

There was a hammer set on the trading post last month that goes pretty well. Not the same “gold” but a nice looking hammer, especially the one with the lightning glowy bits.