Preservation tips

So i’m starting to play healer again to kill time, and my healer of choice is preservation evoker. Most fun to me.

But since TWW dropped, my healing feels so unbelievably underwhelming.
When it dropped, and I started leveling, my heals would go off for anywhere between 1m-2.5m (with the extremely rare 5m crits.

But after getting it to 80, my heals are lucky to even see a 7th digit. My average heal seems to go off for 750k AT MOST.
I’m playing no different to when I was playing it during DF.

Is there any tips on playing pres? I’m hoping to throw her into some keys if I can get some actual decent healing going.

Check out this YouTube channel [Bowser the healer]. He has really good guides on preservation. Hell his videos helped me when I first started healing evoker.

Not sure if you mean for PvE or PvP, but I feel this video probably translates to both some:

Biggest thing for me was making use of Echo, Reversion, and Golden Hour.