Preservation Fixes Coming Next Week

Heads up! With scheduled weekly maintenance next week, we will make the following changes to Preservation Evokers:

  • Consume Flame no longer gains double benefit from Versatility.
  • Fixed an issue where Consume Flame was gaining more benefit than intended from Attuned to the Dream.

These will go into effect on Tuesday morning (October 1) in this region.


Personally i don’t think these nerfs are warranted, we have such a small range it’s only fair we get bigger hps.


These read more like bugfixes than direct nerfs TBH.

Also, you’ll probably still be number 1 in HPS, just not by quite as much


I love clickbait wowhead articles describing this bug as a nerf. Journalism is dead.


Just curious, if this is a bugfix why not roll it out now?
You guys usually don’t sit on things that benefit players.

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I got excited when I saw the title and hoped you had fixes coming for preserving our lost guild and war bank items. Then I saw it was for evokers.

Give me a break. I guess Fistweavers should be blowing everyone out of the water with their HPS then?

Preservation Evokers are super overtuned in all forms of content and it’s unbelievable that they had gotten no adjustments thus far.


They don’t make real tuning adjustments during race to world first. It’s been like that for years.

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Oh no, after this Preservation will only be 12-15% ahead of second place instead of 20%!

Eh, they’re not overtuned in M+. Raid, they’re definitely a bit high. PvP… yeah…

But M+, they’re technically not even the ‘dominant’ pick right now. They’re a really good pick, but Shaman’s the new kid on the block currently for M+.

ah last I checked Shaman were highly played in M+ but Prevoker and Disc were higher rated, I see now Shaman have climbed the rankings. Probably due to their incredibly bloated toolkit and higher item levels now making mana more manageable.

Yeah, Rsham’s toolkit in combination with their relatively free/low-setup throughput is pretty nuts in keys.

Raid, well, we’ll probably see further tuning down of Prevoker and tuning up of Rdru. Beyond that is hard to guess.