Preservation Evoker LF Late Night Weekday Guild

LF Late Night Weekday Guild. Preferably anytime after 11:30 pm EST. Willing to swap Factions/Realms for the right guild.

Returning WoW player coming back for DF looking for a raiding guild. Played in Shadowlands during the first tier, got AOTC fairly quickly within the first couple weeks of raid release and jumped straight into Mythic Prog and went as far as 6/10 with about 50ish+ pulls on SF before some of the hardcore nerfs starting trickling in. That’d be my most recent retail raiding exp along with my raiding progression exp throughout other expacs and Classic WoW(As a Tank/Healer Main). Unfortunately my retail guild disbanded and that kind of killed it for me for the rest of Shadowlands along with some IRL obligations kicking in.

Been playing Classic WoW mostly over the last year and a half as a Main Tank/Alt Healer with raid leading experience throughout all of TBC and up and recently in WoTLK Classic.
Looking forward to switching things up this time around and focus more on the healing side of things where I can get back into raid healing and push keys this season. I’ve always been the type of player to research as much as possible in the role/spec that I’m in (i.e) reviewing logs, practicing on PTR realms, rewatching my own vods and pulling up information on class discords. The Raid Leading exp I’ve acclimated over the last 2 years made me gather as much game knowledge as I can to do the best that I can to help my team succeed.

~Quick Notes: Pushed 2400 rating in S1 SL fairly early on two toons for Elite Gear for Mythic Prog; Was a healer main back in Cata/WoD before swapping to MT for later expacs; Little bit of Mythic Prog in WoD(HM & BRF) - Legion (NH & ToS)

-Preservation Evoker as a Main, currently working on a Rdruid Alt. as well;

~Discord: Jordan093#5475
~B.Net: Det0x1#1688