Prescience macro help

Here’s some handy macros that I’ve been using to save on keybinds and work with mouseovers and whatnot:

1- This prioritizes a mouseover target first, then your target (if friendly) then you. I use macros like these for cleanse-style abilities like Cauterize, and defensive abilities like Time Dilation or Verdant Embrace.

/cast [@mouseover, help][help][@player] Cauterizing Flame;

2- Heal/harm abilities to save on keybinds and work with mouseover. I use these for commonly used abilities, and to keep the same/similar abilities on the same keybind between specs.

Keep in mind this can backfire a little if you’re not paying attention to your cursor, and it ends up mouseover-ing something you didn’t intend since the order set up in the macro prioritizes your mouseover target.

(It also includes black attunement auto-cast for Auggies. Also, this will cast Eruption in Aug spec since Eruption replaces Disintegrate.)

/cast [@mouseover, help] Emerald Blossom;  [@mouseover, harm][harm] Disintegrate; [help][@player] Emerald Blossom;
/cast [known:Black Attunement, nostance:1] Black Attunement;

3- Living flame macro, since it can hit friendly and hostile targets.

/cast [@mouseover, exists][@target, exists][@player] Living Flame; 

4- Rez macro, which includes engi bracers. Not especially useful unless you are using engi bracers.

/cast [combat] 9; [known:Mass Return] Mass Return; [] Return;
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