New Passive: Sense Power – While enabled, allies with their major cooldown active will be highlighted in the game field and will display a buff icon on party and raid frames. Learned automatically. Can be toggled on/off.
Prescience has been updated – When cast without a friendly target, the smart-targeting will now prefer damage role players who have their major cooldowns active.
These two additions are great! in the sense that it’s better then nothing.
Though i feel they are a bit missleading. If prescience (and Ebon Might) would work like Power infusion, this would be a great change, but due to how Augmentation works this sounds a little like a “noob-trap” to me.
Generally augmentation wants to apply Prescience BEFORE the cooldowns get used to make sure the mainstatt from Ebon Might is active all throughout said cooldown.
Playing “whack a mole” style, giving presience to whoever lights up, will lead to a majority of Ebon Might to be active for only a fraction of the used cooldown.
It takes a minimum of 2 globals (prescience + Ebon Might cast) to apply it. Most cooldowns don’t last more then 15 seconds.
TL;DR Autotargeting + Glowup while haveing cooldowns ACTIVE will lead to beginners essentially only applying the 3% crit buff and wasting propper Ebon Might usage.