Pres lf r1 push towards end of ssn

I don’t play much because of irl stuff, but if there was a dps duo 2.6+ that wanted to push when 2 week announcement hits I’d be interested.

Am currently (until sleepihead gets up from his nap) #1 and #2 on the solo shuffle ladder.

Agnostic as to comp if r1 viable, no warlocks.


Just came here to say that I hate your class. Decent pres evoker though. You’ve farmed me on my resto Druid and mw in solo shuffle

I’m down to play if you wanna heal some fury warrior stuff.

Mud#11342 btag


You made a post last expansion talking about how fun Pres was. Despite my frustrations with healing in general, I’ve been trying it seriously for the first time this season. I remembered that post and have to confirm that Pres is the most fun I’ve had on a healer yet! Figured I’d share that

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For BGB? Let me know if you need tips getting there.

Heal dragon is super neato. Wish Dev wasn’t’ so barebones. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Maybe? This is an arena forum.

Oh dps duo, meaning 2 dps instead of a dps to play duo. Nvm, ignore what I said.