Prepatch PvP Issues

  1. Honor is clearly bugged/undertuned severely.

~50 honor for a WIN is just straight up disrespectful to the pvp community when pieces cost 1500-2000 for just ONE. Over 40 wins for one piece. I think it’s just bugged. It’s showing decimals for honor on the scoreboard lol.

  1. Resilience is pretty widely known to be bugged atm and devs haven’t said anything about it. It’s basically like not wearing any pvp gear at all. The game is incredibly bursty, everyone is just one shotting each other. It’s really not fun and needs to be fixed asap.

I understand it’s prepatch, I’ve been playing this game for a long time. But these are pretty gamebreaking bugs for pvpers and as of the “Known Bugs” post yesterday, nothing about these two things was on there. I just hope it’s on Blizz’s radar and is fixed soon.


Yeah I really have no reason to play, because about all I do is PVP. Can’t replace any gear like I wanted to, and everyone is goofily one shotting each other so the bg’s are just pure chaos, which was fun at first but really isn’t after a while.


but arent the other players that you pvp against in the exact same situation?

That’s the point? It’s bad for everyone

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PVP gear for wrathful, or any pvp gear… costs 1200 - 2000 honor, but yet we get only 20-30 honor per BG win… so that means that it take us around 80+ wins just for one pvp piece… that doesn’t seem right? i saw the hotpatch came through for the honor gains. but now we need the gear updated to reflect/show/match correct values…

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no because pve gear gets an extra stat over resilience so if your full pve gear you perform better in pvp than someone full pvp gear


Hits Bladestorm near a pack of casters….

Lolololol :rofl:

we need a discount on 80 pvp gear

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Here’s the thing guys

I have footage on youtube playing bgs in original Cata prepatch

Im hitting exactly as hard as in the video. My arcane mage with zerk can crit over 40k and it was the same in OG.

If resil is broken then it was originally as well until we leveled to 85. This isn’t out of the norm, prepatch isnt balanced, have fun while its wonky.

BGs giving bugged honor is a larger problem that should be addressed along with the billion other things before fixing an issue that is in line with the original Cataclysm prepatch.

Who cares if it’s the same as it was, it’s bad. Resilience is not working, people have tested it.

At least you can actually play those things you’re referring to as PVP. What about Arena Skirmishes?

I’m curious why that isn’t even in your list, tbh.


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