Prepatch is in 2 weeks

Are you guys ready for War Within prepatch? Only a few weeks left as it is coming out on the 23rd of this month. Hurry up and get your last minute stuff in!! Not much time left :open_mouth:


Honestly the waiting is killing meā€¦ My friends convince me to sub for ff14 vacation expansionā€¦ finally since I already done most of my regular online game stories.

Was such a pain getting sub and purchasing the ff14 new Expansionā€¦ If my brother dinā€™t help me set it up I would have skip it and be starving of new story content in online gameā€¦ I really hope they fix that I canā€™t belive they had those issues for so long and in an release none the lessā€¦ investors and shareholders will not be happy with does numbers for sure!

I NEED TWW expansion sooooo BAD! I know Ill consume the FF14 story in less than a 2 weeks! Need to know want to try the new heroe specs on release!!

Curse my hunger for ongoing online continued stories with created characters in games! I love em so muchā€¦ but I starve when the in downtime!

I canā€™t wait! Only 13 days until Warbands! :partying_face: :tada:


Did they officially announce pre-patch date?

Iā€™m going to be way too busy at the end of July into August to enjoy launch.

The silver lining is that (hopefully) the early zones wonā€™t be quite as jammed when I get a chance to go through them.

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No, but all assumptions are at 23th or 30th.

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Class changes then?

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No but they might as well have with the end of season post yesterday and Guild Services ending on the 22nd.


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Nice I will see what arcane is up to


Also the new splash screen says that prepatch launches ā€œbeforeā€ July 30th

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I have all collectables unlocked besides the few I donā€™t wantā€¦ itā€™s gonna be a long few weeks till pre patchā€¦

Assuming they donā€™t delay anythingā€¦

But really the excitement is real!

Though it would be great if we got a nerubian raceā€¦ instead of dwarvesā€¦

Iā€™m glad. Talent trees change but as long as it not super stupid in the past I am a happy camper.

Arcane looks really solid on the beta


Iā€™m crossing my fingers that the changes will help me like my mage again. Looks positive.

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Iā€™m not really excited for the prepatch. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything interesting happening for it, all the content I want to play comes with War Within or Season 1.

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Shaman changes were so late most things arent even implemented or working yet.

I am perhaps ready to grind for gear on alts in the prepatch event

cool story bro

Isnā€™t there always a definite 2 week announcement for a season ending?