Prepatch broke Timerunning?

Remix was always terrible from 58-70, prepatch just made it worse, but overall, I think not much changed: you’re still gonna get carried by max geared players.

Scaling overall broke with this patch.

idk how one day i go from unkillable to now the squishiest


Its def broken if ur being one shot these people must have never played remix, the scaling isnt wonky until 67 and even then its nowhere near the level of being one shot.

I’ve seen a few things about this. They decided to scale everything up for TWW things, apparently.

I guess you gotta keep in mind the giant tank survivability nerf too. Some people struggled in Remix in the 60-70 range from the get-go…and now, as a tank, you are much less self-sufficient than we were back then.

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I found 60-70 to be brutal as a Bear but then gets dramatically better when you do several gear upgrades

He said he wasn’t having any trouble tanking before the patch.

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Something is extremely wrong. Simple mobs are destroying me when just the other day I was 2-3 shotting everything. I’m actually hardstuck on the final quest in a chain that’s supposed to be soloable for the campaign because the final mob is destroying me. IDK what’s going on. I did this on 5 other characters easily and now it’s near impossible.
Literally all i’m trying to do is get ready and level chars for the stupid new expansion and I can’t even do that.


I know they nerfed survivability with the changes to spells. That doesn’t explain on monday i do my daily h scenario cruising thru fine and today i get the same scenario (one with the traps on the floor) and the first mob hits me for half my hp bar.

I’m just surprised someone else saw this problem and got it on Blizzards radar hopefully. People keep saying about the scaling being wonky clearly havent played recently then again today. I’ve been smashing through leveling up characters in an hour or two until I logged on today post-TWW Prepatch. I character I got to 62 in 40 mins yesterday one shotting everything is getting killed by normal questing mobs if I pull 4-5 today. Clearly messed up with prepatch changes somehow.

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I don’t think this has to do with the patch itself, there was a massive enemy scaling jump around level 65 so I’m assuming that he started at 60 gained a few levels real quick and then hit the massive wall that people have been running into in remix since it started.

But OP explicitly says that they were just fine on Monday and today everything is bending them into a pretzel. I presume nothing about their level or gear changed in that time so the only thing that could have caused this is the patch. Even if they did gain a few levels, scaling wasn’t so bad pre-patch that normal mobs would go from tickling to chunking.


Yea, same with me. Nothing changed but logging in after prepatch, I was even standing in the spot I had logged out questing prior to servers going down. It seems broken for sure. I know they like their safe spaces here, but this is why something like downvotes would be nice so we can drop all these unhelpful comments from people that aren’t even reading.


The patch made changes to the power scaling curve - most likely to smooth out the power progression from 1-70 now that it is all considered leveling content.

Just another day at Blizzard where they tweak a scaling formula in one place but totally ignore how it may impact something else, so we get these periods after changes where things are out of whack.

You’re right, it’s two shots.

This patch had huge changes for tanking. I would start there.

Remix has been like that since the beginning once you get to the 60-70 range …

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My pally was getting 2 shot, but not my DK at same level. I checked my latest gear drops and added some armor sockets as well and now both are fine.

I’ve levelled about 15 characters in remix. I know you have to keep gear levels up, especially post-60. It was drastically different today through. We nearly wiped on trash mobs attempting to do what would have been a “normal pull” just yesterday. Not sure why, but I’ll be glad when I get this char to 70 and stow it away for the re-join to normal. I’ve got one toy left to buy and I’ll just play my “remix main” to get the bronze for that then I’m done with remix.

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