Premonition Interface

Premonition is very difficult to track. All of the icons look the same. I can’t quickly look down and know what spell I have available. Either the icons need a rework or the spell shouldn’t change what it does every time you press it.


Something that worked for me was to activate one of the action bars in the UI edit tool, blow it up to almost max size and put an extra unbound copy of Premonition on it. I have it set right next to my health bar so I can see it super quick. Make the rest of the action bar not visible and boom, an addon-less weak aura.

I’m sure there’s a weak aura already out there but I don’t like a ton of addons. It works well enough.

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I have a note under my screen to tell me what each does to remind my self but having to mouse over the icon to know what comes next is annoying. We could do with a blizz interface change to highlight it or a weakaura

Just get a weakaura rather than jumping through hoops


There is a great weakaura for it on wago, but I agree the icons could use a way to differentiate them. I was thinking different colors, its too difficult to really tell based on the glyphs what is next, but I think going like yellow(how it is now)>blue>green/red/etc>gold (like clairvoyance is now so dont change) would be good.