There’s nothing against being AFK, or doing things like AV fishing. The reporting tools are designed to help the community self govern those behaviors, with no real account action against the reported player.
If the OP wasn’t planning to lead the group, raid call, mark tanks, etc., refusing to hit the assist all button when others want it is generally more impactful than 1/40 people being AFK in the cave in an AV.
Reporting for that was pretty justified, even if you hate “premade” groups (which are really just a PuG in discord).
Actually we do believe that. Why do you think Horde uses AV and not WSG to honor farm? We don’t have premades, still it is the most time efficient way to gain honor. If Alliance lost all their games, AV would still be more efficient than wsg.
I mean, they abuse that one too, but that’s not the one that boots you out. The chat one is. Blizz altered report afk cause it was being abused so heavily. Now premades are reporting for false chat violations instead.
That’s actually incredibly wrong. The only thing keeping AV competitive to WSG for alliance is 6M-8M wins. As alliance you can get 15-18k an hour in WSG. You cannot get 15-18k an hour pugging AV.
I don’t think the Horde realize how easy they have it with AV right now, premades and all. You can PUG for top ranks as horde. Alliance have no choice but to sweaty AV premade in T3’s to be competitive.
And yet here you are fiercely defending premades. If you notice most of the LIKES in this thread are for people that are arguing against you. That should be a clue on the general sentiment on premades. If you ever played in a Alliance PUG you would know. The MAJORITY of Alliance players agree getting screwed in 15-40 starts and people always complain about it in PUG BG chat. People like you are the very definition of toxicity. I’m sure you’re one of the jerks that mass report people you don’t want in a AV.
Premades are generally a random group of people Q’ing up into random AV games, with a means of communicating through Discord. For the most part, they are just PUGs with communication, and leadership (sometimes). They are not a group of hackers that will locate your personal IP and DDOS attack you, and nor is that something that could be easily accomplished within a minute. That’s not to say you haven’t been a victim of some malicious attack, but just saying generally, Premades aren’t composed of ppl that go around doing that. Chances are more likely you coincidentally DC’d.
To be fair, all the PUGs that I’ve been in, even with those that actually start with 40ppl, have not won a single AV, and I’ve played over 1,000 AV games solo. I’m sure there are rare occasions that they do, but more often than not, they don’t. This is usually a mix of people giving up half way, trying to push Drek when the strat doesn’t work anymore, being toxic when one strategy fails, etc. etc. There is little to no team play.
So while yes it does suck to start 10v40, I just wouldn’t completely blame premades for losing games.
They didn’t DC you. It is bad enough people whining nonstop about AV but conjuring up conspiracies about the big bad premades is just dumb at this point.
I’ve been disconnected from the game in a consistent way various periods of time related to some kind of game glitch. Over in legion, my game would disconnect if I stepped off the edge of a platform during the fight with dark ysera at that temple (tried with a few alts). At another time for about a week, my game would disconnect every time I tried to use my garrison hearth (pretty sure people were complaining about that in forums even). Other times I’d be in interesting fights with interesting things happening and it was like the mob cast a disconnect spell at me. Those last could’ve been one-offs, but not those first couple situations that were repeatable and repeated.
Now I don’t know if the other players actually did something clever to trigger OP disconnect, or if OP stepped on a glitchy spot the game didn’t expect and he got kick. If OP can make it happen more than once, then he might at least know it’s not just his connection.
There are a myriad of factors to why Alliance PUGs lose consistently but premades have made the situation exponentially worse. Indeed I can’t remember the last PUG we won or one that we started at full strength. In either case, these elitist jerks are making the game worse for the MAJORITY of Alliance players. Horde players are getting their honor MOST of the time regardless. Premades are a mere annoyance to the Horde but are killers to the majority of Ally players.