Premades in rated bgs?

Are these a thing still? Are they using the queue sync mods to circumvent the system? I ask this because I just got out of a 2200 match, and the opposing team had to have been on comms, there is no other explanation for the way the team played. There is no way they just happened to all work together that efficiently without comms.


No premades, just bad luck of the draw.

Sometimes you’ll get terrible teams where everyone just argues with each other the whole time. Other times the stars will line up and everybody already knows what to do.

As soon as I got up around 2k, opposing teams are just far too coordinated. Just got out of a temple, and they had their guys waiting to grab orbs the millisecond ours fell, they knew they were going to take our orbs before the gates even opened. They 4 orbed us in about 3 mins. It was literally like playing against a premade of the old in a random bg.


At the highest ratings all the RBG people know each other and win trade all the time.


There was no trading, just a steamroll. I’ve lost heaps, and this lose was an old time beating by a premade.

Win trading in solo/duo queue context would encompass the strategy of sync queueing in order to cheat wins out of the game.

People just call in win trading because when the other the groups are on opposite side the side that has the client ( person paying for the boost) they will intentionally throw the game so they can boost the rating of their client.

Right now I did a quick google search and they are asking for $2.5k for very high ratings suggesting they are asking for more $ to pay multiple people. This is done a lot in league of legend so I wouldn’t be suprised if it happens at higher ratings in BGB.

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Did you know that you can paste a Discord link into chat when you enter a Blitz match?

A lot of people join.

Did you know that you can make burner Discord servers for this purpose?

No evidence they are, Some anecdotes like yours, but at 2200 would you not know already how to play a map?

FYI there is a voice com system built into the game. all you have to do is turn it on.

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There is, but people seem to have an aversion to it.

Whereas most PvP players already have Discord.

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True, other than the years of them doing it to go around the rules in regular bg’s.

I know you can, and I’m not saying they didn’t but in all the years of this game, I’ve never once seen a discord link in chat.

Yes, but knowing the map and being able to do what they did are 2 different things.

Anyone can share discord info or use wow party voice with strangers. Maybe the did. I’ve only seen a discord link shared once. And that was when the season had just started.

You answer takes a quick google search, dozens of website companies raking in the cash with ZERO pushback.

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They need to start permabanning these things. And not just the wow account, the entire battlenet account.

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Legacy BG are faction locked with no matchmaking, and premades are allowed by the system in Legacy PvP instances.

Not really, if everyone knows what to do, there is little to say beyond calling incs

Up to 5 players last I knew, you could take a group, not a raid. There are hundreds of posts on here regarding the use of premade syncers in epic bgs.

Which the system still allows. as long as you are not using automation.

In rated battlgrounds, yes. But not in solo queue.

Isn’t 2200+ like the top 5% of players or something? Maybe it’s top 3%, someone linked something somewhere a bit ago with the current curve. It’s up there.

We’ve played these bgs 1000s of times.

If I had to guess you played a group who knew what they were doing.


2200+ is currently 1.6% of players.

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