Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

How many toons are in 5 communities?

Also, which 5? I thought there was SAS, DJL, WGE, … Ruin?

one is exclusive then there are 2 alli communities i’ve only started to run with lately…no not ruin

So it’s a premade community that we’re not aware of?

But we were looking at a screenshot of Horde players.

i know this but in all the players i know from any community i faintly only recognize 3 names … people merc etc if they were from any community I’m in I’d certainly recognize more names is my point. correct one you are probably not aware of however its very small so nothing big. That’s also euro and aussie so they play different times. Anyways right now people are honor ranking…almost every team we’ve been facing feels like we are up against some sort of challenge be it gear maxxed or what not. my mains are getting hammered pretty hard in full gear

Do people register all their toons in a community?

Or do people also swap to alts that aren’t in the community?

people right now are running mains mainly it seems as the season is about to end and its extra honor right now. if its a premade you’d recognize some names from the community at least 5 or 6 and rather sure of them…these names are vague at best at least to me

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There are ~7 premade parties in that picture.

I’m surprised people are sure there are no premade raids on that team.

I’m merely saying i don’t recognize but 3 names and they are vague as to where i’ve seen them. Could have been in just a random bg for all i know or even just seeing them in forums

Could be 7 2 mans for all we know. A two or three man premade get a crown, you know?

What I really meant by this is that losing any BG in WoW really sucks in general. 90% of the BGs are decided in the first team fight and the rest is helpless. Premades only exasperate this problem. It’s really hard to turn the game around, especially alone, and many BGs drag unnecessarily even though it’s obvious who’s going to win.

So, I was more thinking in terms of how losses could be made fun, or more bearable.

What if there was, say, a stacking 50% bonus to the reward of the next win for every previous loss? You lose 4 times in a row, but then win, you get 200% increased honor and conquest. Still half as much as if you won all 5, but at least some consolation for the eventual win. Something like determination stacks in LFR, but for the reward.

Another idea - make losses reward partial conquest, like how RBGs do. But allow it for larger gaps. Like if you get at least 500 points in Arathi you get 15 conquest.

Another (crazy) idea is to introduce some sort of “participation points” that you earn during the BG by doing objectives, and say top 3 in the team get rewarded nonetheless even if it’s a loss. And if it’s a win, then you get rewarded double.

Or even a gambling idea - what if the losing side players get a chance to “roll” on the winning reward and only, say, two of the losing players get to get it.

Something to make losses at least a bit more fun.


How will that work … so the person holding off the enemy so that you can cap a node gets nothing, or players running into Glavies repeatedly to kill them are also left with nothing ?.. there is no way to say who is the top 3 in a BG.

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I think Blizzard should add a hidden MMR to improve matchmaking in random bgs.

The current system is frustrating because it’s all RNG. You can lose a bunch of games in a row and there’s no guarantee that you’re any closer to getting a win. As long as your randomly assembled team is worse, you’ll keep losing.

With a hidden MMR, if you go on a losing streak, you’ll gradually start facing easier opponents. You’re less likely to play against geared toons and premades.

To sum up, Blizzard needs to improve matchmaking so games are more fair/competitive. There would also be protection against extended losing streaks.

(If queues times get too long, enable cross-faction teams.)

I am in the top 3. And the system can pick 2 random teammates.



Wait werent you on the community council? Did they just remove a bunch of the pvp posters?

Oat and Stone queue just the two of them often. No one else from that screen shot is from DJL.

Each term on the council is only a year, I was added in the first wave back in December 2021 so my year was up. You could reapply and some people were just given a second term without even reapplying, but I think it ended up only being like 4-5 people that were added again, none of them being PvPers. I was pretty over the whole thing since most issues in the forum were rarely addressed and we never even got a PvP Q&A.

I think there are a few PvPers in the second wave though, but still only like 3 out of the 100 members on the council which is really dumb considering it seems like collectors, world quest players and even RPers get more representation.

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We should create a registry of all toons that run with premade raids. It would be a handy reference in the future.

Word on the street is ruthlessbro’s premade got spawn camped yesterday


That would never happen. They know they’d be laughed at whenever they try to pug and get stomped on by other pugs.

Yeah, we do…Spy or Weizpvp…

Care to share?

Or is that privileged information for DJL eyes only?