Premades are the reason I don’t queue epic bgs

I don’t think I’ve ever won an epic bg and I’ve only just realized it’s because they’re all premades. For that reason I’ve haven’t queued an epic bg since SL.


Wel it’s basically kindergarten PvP. Or PvP with training wheels. Basically some nerds figured out a way to control the outcome of the kiddy pool :joy: but still ruins the new players wanting to try PvP. Most people don’t say hey let’s try PvP and Que up rated

Unfortunate because it’s such a good way to grind honor.

Can’t queue regular either. If you check enemy team usually 2+ party lead crowns. If you’re lucky to not see any, you end up checking your own team and finding them.

In another thread here, those premade players said they win 99% of ebgs because they know how to work as a team, and they also said us pug players need to improve our pvp skills and learn our classes.

They even compared themselves to R1 players in rated pvp, though most of them are actually 1500 in rated. I was like Okay then.

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ebg players are the csgo perma silvers of this game

Only premade communities.

There’s ebg players like myself who are very humble/fair, and decent people.

I liked the one where they compared themselves to NBA legends while, in the same breath, claiming to sync-queue premade for ‘protection.’


Most of them do play like Uwe Blab.