Premade vs Solo queue should not be possible

change this and give your pvp a chance to survive before P2 and AB hits. make it max 5 person queue or something. something has to change

the state of pvp atm is absolute garbage.

change something you already change everything on a weekly basis why not this? awful, awful decision



Please dude this is becoming unbearable. There’s another thread about this every day. They’ve already addressed this issue and they aren’t changing it.

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They never said that.

In fact, he literally said

“Not to say we won’t make adjustments; we are actively talking about this internally basically daily, but it’s not a simple problem and it doesn’t actually have a simple solution.”

LITERALLY says they aren’t saying they won’t make changes. Not sure why you weird kids like to say they won’t make any changes when he literally says the exact opposite.

“We just have to take care because any change we make will be hard/impossible to reverse. In the meantime, I’d encourage anyone struggling to branch out a bit.”

IN MEANTIME, meaning, from now UNTIL THEY MAKE CHANGES, he says to find a group.

They are trying to find a solution and they will in fact make changes. It’s inevitable.

The vast majority want changes and they will make them.

If I had to guess they will make them after AB releases.


I doubt it dude. Doesn’t look too promising.

we are actively talking about this internally basically daily

Yeah doesn’t look promising at all when they discuss something every single day and tell everybody that they aren’t not going to make adjustments, which means they will make adjustments.

Good lord some of you seemed to have failed the 3rd grade.

Not to say we won’t make adjustments

What does that mean to you? That they won’t make adjustments?

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Also means “Not to say we will make adjustments” just in case you dont have eyes.

Right after that he says they are discussing it daily, which implies they are seeking adjustments.

That sentence literally means they are not saying they will not make adjustments. That’s exactly what that means.

If someone says “We’re not saying we will charge $50 for the product” that means they will not be charging $50 for the product.

Stay in school kid.


Calling me a kid. And your name checks out. You couldn’t help but be weird. Just because they talk about it every day doesn’t mean they will separate the queues. They also know it would be really bad if they did that because they will create 30min queues for premades.

Thats why they are releasing Cata since everyone of you here hates Wrath so much. Then you get your RBGs and can then do your own personal queues with that. That’s what you all asked for, that is what you are getting. And Wrath gets deleted.

You honestly, somehow, just do not understand what he said.

It’s ok.

Think all he is saying is, what was said doesn’t 100% mean change will or will not happen. Only thing we know for sure is that they see the out cry and they talk about it. Non of that says “nah we wont do anything” and non of that says “we are doing something about it.”

So you’re saying they haven’t addressed the issue.

the fact that he said there talking about it is all the more reason to keep posting about it.

Honestly I feel like they’ve already taken steps to fix this. I was in a premade last night for 4-5 hours and 90% of our games were against other premades.

lol that might just be because few people dare to solo queue atm

What’s amusing about that is that premades will then also stop queueing since most of them are just there for their easy pug stomps.

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You don’t have to think about what he is saying or try to explain.

It’s very clear and simple to understand.

They are not saying they will not make adjustments. There’s no trick to that sentence. There’s no need to decipher anything. It’s clear as day what he is saying.

That means they will make adjustments.