Premade groups - Group finder


I have a few suggestions for the group finder system.

  • Have a way to target specific dungeons and search only for those
  • Have a way to target specific keystone levels and search only for those
  • Be able to see the rating of all group members before you join
  • Narrow down the results to groups that have a spot for your role
  • Narrow down the results to specific rating required based on your preference

Especially the first two points I believe there should have been there for a long time now, but better late than never.
I believe these changes will make everyone’s time easier when they are looking for a group for mythic+ or other activities.

Also I do suggest we get a voting system similar to other games and some sort of reputation system for players to be able to identify the reputation a player has based on his passed behavior in groups.

Thanks for reading.


You can do this already, it just isn’t explained anywhere. Just type 20-21 or 25-28 for example. You can do that on top of searching for other keywords.

The rest you can do with addons (except maybe rating for every group member, not sure), but I agree it should be part of the game.

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I know that, but it doesn’t work that way exactly.
If you type 2 you get 2s, 20s, 21s, 22s, 23s, etc.
If you type 21 you get results for 20s, 21s, 22s.
We need it narrowed to what we are actually looking for.
When I’m looking for 21 I won’t be looking into 20s at all. No point showing us that information.

If you type a range it only gives you exact results. So if you search for 21-21 it only gives 21s (and the ones where the description is being used for SEO)

Why not have a better interface to start with?

I whole heartedly disagree. We already have members of our community that abuse the reporting system, garnering players sometimes bans that are unjustified simply for the “Lolz”.

How do you think this type of system would play out? It’d be horrendous. Someone would probably generate an auto-ranking system add-on based on what they believe is “Great behavior” and just because someone missed one kick during something spontaneously their “Reputation” will be tanked. I mean heck, we already have these types of add-ons… but you have to go to the website to see the full data.

There is good reason why it isn’t, and shouldn’t be in the game. If you pug, you accept that someone might not be up to par with your level of game play. These types of things do nothing but make players who try to start doing content even harder for them to do so. The mythic+ rating system definitely already does this “Oop, yeah, you might have the gear level to exceed this content… but ew, that m+ rating is a straight nope.”


Goes both ways though.
We are getting in groups where people leave for now reason or because they failed horribly a few times, ruining runs without an actual reason, even when you are in a mythic+ in front of the last boss with 10 mins remaining, wasting our time, making us to close the game and the pc and go watch movies.
The way this works is demotivating the least.
We really need a solution to this and a ranking system sounds pretty ok to me if it’s made correctly.

While I agree that the interface needs updates, I find this one actually nice to have. As Tradu said, there are addons that adds support for these types of things, but it should really be a part of the base game.

I really don’t agree. You can already search for 20-22 if that’s what you want to see. If you type 21, you should only get 21s, instead of having to type 21-21 (which isn’t even communicated anywhere)