Premade dead horse - 1 week to go

I’m curious what desertions will be like.

Do players still frequently jump ship after the first team fight?

Guess we’ll find out.

Less people queuing and being in epics when there is a solo only queue for better conquest awards…

I know I only ever do Epics sparingly and as soon as I face a premade and its a loss (no premade on our side) I afk out. Log onto another toon and go again. Im not stressing over it…

That is a tereible shame then.

Compared to spamming random bgs or random epic bgs, I think you get the most conquest by spamming this brawl.

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Unless you’re saying that this new game mode will kill epic bgs completely, this won’t hurt premades queuing epics. If there are less solo q players queuing epics, the chance of you running into a premade as a solo player is going to go up

People were also unlocking the old rated BG achievements/titles from queuing Blitz on PTR. It’ll be a nice incentive if that makes it to live next week, and we can get the High Warlord/Grand Marshal titles

As a solo queuer yes… but premades will be facing each other more and more which is what it should be. Premades vs premades strictly.

We have seen the depravity of what happens when premades face each other on the forums… they make excuses, accuse the other of cheating or downright avoid (NA avoiding Fieldarmy for example)

Just losers calling other losers cheats imo.


Here is a thought and not a positive one, wont people abuse the system by just queueing together for this brawl. They already do it for EPICs, you know when people communicate on disc or chat and countdown 5,4,3,2,1 queue. Then announce when their queue pops so they can play together.

I’m sure the premade communities will test the limits of the matchmaking system.

Theoretically, cross-faction teams and MMR might make things slightly difficult, but they’ll probably figure out a way to game the system.

If they do manage to get into the same game, the team with fewer members get to lose.

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I mean this is already done in EPICs so I wouldn’t doubt it.

Imagine if they sync tank queues or healer queues and end up on opposite teams.

That’s just complete sabotage waiting to happen.

Why is this tank/healer kinda throwing the game? Maybe it’s because they’re laughing in Discord with players on the other team.

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The main sabotage I’m worried about and will 100% happen are smurfs on alts playing in the lower bracket. Given that everyone will have the same gear level, A multi-glad shouldn’t be playing in the 1400-1500 bracket. I hope Blizzard will have some sort of system to mark their alts at higher MMR where they belong.

Accountwide deserter my beloved where art thou


This should be the big push. Scale it as they progress up to 72 hours :slight_smile:

Just put yourself in their shoes trying to do this. Mmr is going to be different for each individual, if one person is 1800 another 1700 another 1400 etc, they won’t be able to all queue and get in the same game (probably). If their mmr was close and they all queued up, they aren’t even guaranteed to be on the same team.

Epics don’t have that issue and even then you aren’t guaranteed to have your queues match. I don’t think it will be an issue


They already aren’t for many people. Low rated solo queue rated BGs will likely be a better experience for casual solo queuers than even current random BGs.

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That’s what I was thinking. My guess is there won’t be as many yolo groups, but I assume that affects the bottom of the ladder.

I don’t dislike epic battlegrounds, but in it’s current state, I just use them for their daily cq on alts. Now you can send honor directly to alts, removing the need for some people to join epics. If some of the fodder (pugs) are removed from epic bg’s, the queue times may not be worth it just to face a stronger premade.


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Not logistically possible.

The amount of effort it would take to even attempt this would be a complete and utter waste of time.

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Ohhh??? Guess i’ll be playing after all. Hope people aren’t toxic and it’s actually fun. Also hoping there are limits on classes/specs per side.