Premade Blitz Fix

  1. Sort teams splitting duplicate classes where possible.

  2. Deserter for dropping queue

  3. If you get 2 deserters in like an hour, you lose rating on the third.


Ya know whats funny, if Blizzard did fix the queue system and it stops most of the pre-mades, OH you would not imagine the rage storm that would create. Streamers having meltdowns, forums on and outside of blizzard posting long rants.

Allot of cashiola passing hands around this game.

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NO, most of the time when I miss a Q it’s because my hands are in the sink or I’m doing something that takes longer than 30 seconds to get back and click accept.

many people q and walk away only to run back and hit accept when they hear the pop.

There should never ever be a punishment for not accpeting a Q to a group that has not yet been formed.


All Blizz has to do is let the cyber wizzards tweek the Queue system making it harder for manipulation… taa da, problem solved.

Funny thing is if and when they ever do that, whoooooooo gonna be some mad people… hey, the gravy train does not last forever ya know, better save and invest that money… Otherwise they be singing a new tune “would you like fries w that”.

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Punishment like losing rating, no, never, but I would be open to a different system…

1st dropped queue in an hour gives you ‘Scaredy Cat’ for 30 seconds, preventing you from queueing during that time, 2nd time in an hour you get 60 seconds.

And the timer doesn’t reset if you accept a queue.

So if you miss a 3rd inside of an hour, even if you just finished a game, ‘Scaredy Cat’ would still be 2 minutes.

With stacks resetting an hour after your last missed queue.

And it should be the same system on all queueable content other than follower dungeons and Delves and all the PvE stuff that can be done entirely solo.


that would honestly be prettty darn hilarious if they did a huge ban wave for suspicious q dodging behaviors

i rly doubt it will ever happen (whos gonna do that? intern jim???)

but man that would be funny.

you know it def happens… some people def do it. but only blizz can see how many times people r dodging qs on purpose , so we will never know

Blizz should be able to see who plays how many games with others and have a method of tracking. So ban sync queue’s and remove Duo queue then ban accounts that have suspiciously high games in the same lobbies with a 50% WR against each other and close to 100% with.

Ahh yes, better not miss the shuffle queue when you take a piss, or take your dog out, or walk out of the room for 30 seconds.

That totally wouldn’t kill the brackets.


This thread is about blitz.

Its funny that you say this with sarcasm. Every other ranked queue already works this way. Obviously it would not kill anything, but you seem super sure of yourself, so why don’t you go ahead and explain how having to accept the blitz queue would kill the bracket, even though its fine in all of the other game modes. Please also include a section explaining how leaving queue sync abuse in the game is less damaging than whatever you make up to explain the above as well.



I would suggest not queuing for rated content if you are doing other things. It is disrespectful to other players and their time for you to go walk your dog while 15 other people are waiting for you to accept the queue. I understand bio breaks happen, but they dont need to happen while you are queued. Need to do other stuff? Take yourself out of queue first. Its a game, yes, played by primarily adults who have limited game time. Showing other players a shred of respect by not wasting their time should be the norm.


If Blizzard would only fix their queue system… Tweek it to make it harder to create premades in SOLO brackets.

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Here’s the “thing” if I see one decline fine… someone afk. Two declines I get suspicious and the third time I just decide on the spot if I want to take the next one or not…

Sure people can afk and whatever but after the 2nd or 3rd decline in a row it’s strange.

Other ranked queues don’t have 20+ minute wait times.

IDK what this means, are you referencing people dodging one another or something? It’s random who goes onto what team. Even if you’re trying to group with other people who are also queued, you’re more likely to end up on the other team from them as there are 8 slots to fill on the enemy team vs 6 on the team you’d want to be on (given that 2 belonged to a friend).

You’re chasing a boogieman, man.


The irony.

Show a shred of respect by landing a kick, sitting the base without losing it until you die, not trinketing randomly and get ninjad, being at a minimum of 350k dps…

You’re concerned with a use of the bathroom? If I have to take a leak for 30 seconds I’m not going to waste the 15+min I’ve been queued to restart my position in line.

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These are creative assumptions about random individuals used to assign guilt to a person that has not actually yet done anything to you.
Going afk to use the bathroom or walk your dog was your own admission.
Surely you notice something different there, right?


What’re you the piss patrol? Can’t take a bathroom break now without infuriating the forum dwellers… good god.

Do you give out hall passes now?


Only for good behavior.

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??? depends on the bracket, the season, the number of players? Are you now for losing no rating in 3s if you miss a queue of some arbitrary length? Take a firm stance. ‘long queues’ are not a new thing. you should know this.

Sorry, but this is just ignorance. One example is that you can queue sync with a friend on an alt. If you get the same team, you take advantage of comms and try to win. If you get opposite teams, the friend on the alt throws.

We cannot allow for people to fish out queue syncs. period. there is no debate to be had here. There needs to be a penalty to missing queues, be it a time out or rating loss, or we end up with abuse.


It really is, they’re exploiting the que system to get grouped up in higher numbers than 5 which is the blizzard set maximum.

Nb4 Hirav

I think my longest queue ever has been like 6 minutes.

1500 mmr 250 wins 300 loss strats.

You’d give up ease of access and upsetting everyone who DCs or misses a queue to fight the 0.001%. Wild…

I hope you understand how irrational you are being. Especially for someone with no real dog in the fight. I don’t think enough high rated Blitz players even care that much to try to perform such a stunt. You’re shadowboxing a lamp.