Prejudice against survival hunter

4th spec please. I don’t want anyone to go through what I had to go through with BOTH Rsurv and old Demo being my favorite spec grrr

(on a side note, screw zoo lock)


That would be fine too!

Options = good.

Removing options = very very bad.


Ditto here, MoP demo was my favourite spec of all time and look at what they did to my baby.

this is a lie, not even 60 vulpera alt with almost no posts


if I invite a hunter to a m+ group and he turns out to be survival, I’m removing him. Melee stacked groups aren’t much fun and typically I don’t want more than one in a pug situation.

I’m also never going to recruit a survival hunter to raid. why in the world would I give one of the few melee spots to a hunter?


This kinda thinking has me wondering how Thym and Padding are in cutting edge guilds at all on the roster

cause they’re good players who found a raid willing to let them play survival.

just because most won’t, doesn’t mean all won’t.

This is true and I can attest to this quote here.

I’ve been playing Survival since Legion and I even got the Mage Tower weapon. A lot of Hunters have rose tented glasses on and it was the lowest played spec out of all three of them and matter of fact all three specs became exactly the same with few minor differences.

I like having a Melee spec, its fun to have and changes up things for my class. These other Hunters just suck at melee and that is what their ticked off about.

However, with that said, I am not saying that none of these specs can use some improvements but don’t think about touching my melee spec or replacing it for another range spec.

Ah just gotta get lucky then, naisu

THat’s your problem , you’ve been playing surv since Legion when it went melee.

Since then yes it has been one of the least played specs out of all 3 but prior to Legion for at least 2.5 expansions it was one of the most played specs in the game while it was range and before then it still had a greater following then msurv has had.


What Blizz really needs to do is give survival a unique buff or debuff that makes them more desirable. That way all the naysayers would at least feel some pressure to bring them.

ugh. no.
in fact they need to remove that buff from dh/monk/warrior.

blizzard should design classes/encounters so people never have a reason to not want to bring them, not put raid buffs on them so we HAVE to bring them.

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Rather than fightning why not just ask for a talent like spriests? they can have the old void form or use the new one.

Survival needs a redesign there’s no other way around it but include the option between ranged and melee.

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Nah, I like my idea more. It has more precedence anyway.

We’ve tried that suggestion and a lot of the “NO surv must stay melee” tend to go REEEEEEEEE at that idea.

So a lot of us are fighting for a 4th spec . It may never happen but we have to keep trying . Heck we got WoW Classic after “You think you do but you don’t” and Alliance eventually got a form of Thallasian elves now with new and improved Horde skin tones.


It’s quite literally factually untrue. Dragon Soul, SoO, early WoD were all times where SV was doing extremely well.

Also, I gave the spec a try. I also have all of the mage tower appearances. It is not my cup of tea nor do I think current SV was made for most hunters to be blunt. It’s a niche thing. If you like it, that’s cool. But we don’t have to lie about the former to make current SV look better.


this is such a lie lol. SV was always consistently played. It was pretty much the only hunter spec with decent aoe. if you wanna look at trash specs, BM was pretty much dead for wrath and cata unless you collected pets. MM was trash most of MoP. They finally killed SV in wod so that they could make it melee and only got people to go MM for the instant aimed shot tier.


THe funny thing these people going no one played surv pre don’t get or avoid to acknowledge is one of the reasons Blizz broke r surv and made it melee was the fact that so many people were playing it as ranged that a lot of other specs were not being taken . Well they solved that problem . It became melee and no one outside of guilds really takes surv .


I honestly think a lot of people are either grossly misinformed, or intentionally lying to justify its continued existence.

Which… I think is just sort of frustrating. Part of the reason why I argue for a fourth spec is people shouldn’t have to worry about whether their spec is going to just be up and deleted. And I think a lot of these people do worry about that. Because the precedent has been set, that blizz is okay removing specs whether it makes sense to or not.

I would dread being a current SV fan and worrying whether next expansion marks the end of its existence or not.


As much as i liked rsurv from wod and before, i’m loving current survival, probably one of the very few times the class fantasy has clicked for me. Super fun and the hit n run/guerrilla tactic dueler is enjoyable