I Was around for classic in 05 as a hunter. I was a main hunter until BFA. The ONLY TIME you were on melee as ANY HUNTER was the following: The first 10 lvls before you got the pet, and if your pet died/ you pulled off it and did not kill the mob before it got to you.
The few melee moves we had hit like wet noodles and were meant to get you OUT of melee. Ex: WK was a slow. Old school disengage was not the “jump back” move it is today, but rather, a move that lowered your current threat. Counterattack had to be used after you parried a hit.
This was true until WOLK When it was madE into the SV People like. The ONLY reason I And any hunter who wanted to raid had points in SV was for trap mastery Pre-Wolk.
There was never a melee hunter. If you were in melee is was because you did something dumb. No ammo? Hit the boss with your stick as the raid laughs at you. Your weapon is red? Why did you not repair it before the raid?
Oh, let’s not forget about the dead zone. What’s the dead zone? It was a radius around the hunter that if your target wandered into, you could not shoot it. You were not in melee range. You did everything you could do to slow the target to get out of the dead zone to stutter step, at range.
And don’t even claim you could use a thrown weapon. That was the same slot as your bow. It also did trash dps.
Now that that out of the way, let’s talk about Rexxar. He did not train you. He did not train anyone. He walked around a few zones to the annoyance of many players. Is he a badass? Yes. Yes, he is. He is also a loner who only shows up from time to time when the story needs him to- for better or worse. Rexxar is also way more of a beastmaster than an SV Hunter. GRANTED he was a melee boss in visions, but my point still stands that he was not the person you learned FD at level 30.
If SV Was to return to its MOP playstyle and identity when it was among. if not the most played class in the game, you know, as a ranged hunter, I am most hunters who experienced it would swap back to SV In 1/3rd of a heartbeat.
Now let’s talk about the real issue at hand.
The game has not added a range class or spec ever. DKs, Monks, DHs, all melee. The space around the boss has been a can of sardines for a while now. That same space is also sometimes shared with things that want to kill all the melee very dead.