Okay, I’ll bite.
Here’s the deal: I’m an old school player, too. Started in 2005. Rolled this toon (Watermist), specced MM, and never looked back.
Not once have I ever called the old SV a melee spec. Not once have any of my guildies called the old SV a melee spec.
I don’t know where you’re pulling this out of.
And blaming the Cata babies? C’mon. The old SV was primarily ranged with two DEFENSIVE melee abilities in Vanilla. And guess what, in BC old SV moved even more towards ranged utility, and then WotLK gave us the first really big Hunter revamp in which the old SV was completely, totally cemented as a solidly ranged spec.
Uh huh, sure thing, Jan.
Vanilla SV’s melee abilities: Raptor Strike (base ability that BM and MM had), Wing Clip (base ability that BM and MM had), and Counterattack (which only worked after you dodged).
MSV’s abilities from Legion to SL: a whole heap of brand-new stuff that have never existed in the Hunter class before like Wildfire bomb, caltrops, butchery (I hate this particular name. It’s much more of a warrior name), carve, harpoon… the list goes on!
(Oh, I forgot that Mongoose Bite existed. But it did such terrible DPS back in vanilla.)
The melee Hunter meme, you mean.
I’m sorry if that comment seemed mean. For the folks who enjoy MSV now, well, more power to them! But there is NO historical basis for a melee SV spec prior to Legion.
You had like 6 posters proving you wrong over and over in this thread. I know you’re either a troll or too stubborn to budge your position. This will be my only post in this thread.
But I’m hoping other people would read what I had to say and stop to consider that the claim of Vanilla SV as a melee Hunter was a MYTH.