Prejudice against survival hunter

You can update and modernize it, you know. Rather than take the extreme approach they did.

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No, its an entirely accurate statement.
Maybe you didn’t read it?
The covenant is strong.
So which should I prefer to take?
The ranged spec with the covenant or the melee spec with the covenant?

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Old MM of that era =/= new MM of 2021. Current MM blows any current hunter spec into uselessness.

Nah, it was a great change idea-wise. Melee hunters(spear hunters) existed in human history, so why not in WoW? And vanilla/classic hunters could be melee too.

You said you would take an MM hunter, that’s not true.

You want a MM hunter that’s NF, if they were Kyrian/Venthyr/Necro you’d drop them just as fast as survival.

Please clarify your posts so people aren’t reading a lie.


You just don’t understand what you are reading.
Marksmanship is one of the best specs in the game.
The covenant is just a part of the reason why.
A BM hunter with Night Fae is not as good, right?

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Like some one said they are not taking a hunter (MM) They are taking a Night Fae.

People are taking Night Fae MM because the covenant class ability is op .

Ok for anyone that thinks no one played Rsurv this shows the rankings from WoD patch 6.1


To be honest here, I haven’t seen a BM hunter near a chart since Bfa.

If you think MM is a great spec comparatively to other range specs then you and me must be playing different games. MM brings little to a group / raid outside of turtle and Wild Spirits.

If Wild Spirits wasn’t OP for MM it’s DPS would not be such a big crutch and hunters could swap between specs and for the class do comparative DPS - which would be just okay. The class needs some love - especially SV due to being melee in an expansion that is anti-melee.

you’re playing a melee spec on the literal only physical ranged dps. choose another class if you want to be decent melee, survival should be scrapped and turned back into a ranged spec, there already aren’t enough bow using classes in a fantasy game.


We are comparing Marksmanship to the other specs of Hunter here.
It doesn’t matter if Wild Spirits was removed.
Players would still prefer their hunters to not be melee this expansion especially.
Has nothing to do with damage, really.

Perhaps if they implemented it as a 4th spec, sure. Currently it is the least played spec in the game and has caused serious issues within the hunter community.

I don’t want to see it gone. But I also enjoyed playing what I viewed as an arcane archer for nearly a decade. I’d love to have that fantasy back.

They were ranged, pure and simple. There’s a lot to unpack there but hunter design back then was focused on ranged. Melee was a weakness not meant to be focused on. Even when lacerate was the final talent for SV, SV still performed better and was played at ranged by anyone who wasn’t deeply misinformed or trolling.

You can even search for stuff like that over on the classic boards. People have literally been laughed out of threads because the idea of playing a melee hunter was absurd.


If you’re statement was meant to be - I would take a ranged over a melee you should edit your post.

I stated that clearly in my post.
I have no idea how you are misunderstanding it, but let’s not worry about it.

6.1 didn’t have M+ speedrun content. They would be terrible in it.

Would they ? Since they changed surv to melee we will never know and do people take the melee version to m+ speed runs ?

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Eventually they will when they fix them.

lol what you are asking blizzard to do is impossible…

you do realize how ranking charts work right? There’s always going to be a bottom 3-4 specs… That’s how ranking charts work. It’s impossible for a ranking chart to exist unless there’s an order from top to bottom.

If they buff the bottom 3-4 performing specs, then you know what happens? We end up with the same conundrum where 3-4 different specs will now be the new bottom. lol use your brain.

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THey won’t and all of my responses to you have been in regards to

Which is false it was very popular for a time and to this day is still more popular then the melee version . I’m not saying get rid of melee because like Lazy I believe it should be brought back as a 4th spec .As for melee surv getting better , don’t count on it . Not enough people play it to make it worth Blizz’s time .

Oh they’ll keep it as a playable spec some how but it will never get the love specs that are actually played by many people will get. Expect BM to come out of the basement before Msurv does.


as someone who has played hunter since BC uh no Survival wasn’t unpopular, you’d have people switching to it every time it was BiS spec. plenty of people enjoyed it, it had its fans that would never switch like bm or mm. I enjoyed the Survival bis rotation over the boring BM one we had to deal with for 2 expansions straight, heck I’d even say it’s better than MM. it was fun and unique, what we really need is another bow using class to expand on idea of OG survival.


Rsurv existed for multiple many expansions. MSurv has only existed for 2 expansions fully and currently in 3rd, its an unfair comparison to say that when their history existing is so vastly different.

Combat rogue? lmao

Sorry, did you mean Assassination/Subtlety?