Prejudice against survival hunter

I really enjoy playing this spec I can do consistent and solid numbers across a whole M+ run. Ilvl 202 (4.3k whole run at a minimum) which strong numbers for that ilvl imo… I’m sure there will be differing opinions.

Blizzard we don’t get invites to groups and raids because we are the bottom of the pile in every list/ranking system out there this spec needs some major improvements to make it more viable for invites.
Shadowlands is meant to be your most balanced expansion yet, however there is always 3-4 specs that just get left at the bottom every expansion and you then wonder why they are represented in the playing community…
And the attitude of it’s only a small percentage of players effected really isn’t good enough.
My monthly subscription fee and time investment is not less valuable than anyone else who plays this game, however because I choose play a spec that is unpopular I’m disadvantage, and yes I could pick another class your just simply play MM. however why should that have to be my choice? I’m sure I’m not the only out there who feels this about there chosen spec and class.
Thanks for reading my rant and sure the wonderful dedicated team at blizzard will read this and perform some minor miracles to fix the spec I love playing


Make it ranged again and more people will play it. Problem solved.


Survival Hunter, Demo Lock, and Combat Rogue have long been the “red-headed step specs.”

All three have had multiple iterations, leaving them in completely different states each patch.

Any time I think “maybe they should add another class” I’m reminded of these three specs.

Four, if you add the missed opportunity that was Demon Hunter caster.


Prejudice? Wat? Did your hunter get pee peed on too?


Combat was never the red headed step child

It was the longest standing high performance PvE spec rogues had that you deleted for no other reason than blizzard being clueless

And melee survival needs a number tune and to get some missing passives replaced and the spec will be a okay


It’s all those darn feral druids going all natural on em.


When nature calls the kitty has to do what the kitty has to do, mon.


Survival needs another redesign at this point.

No amount of % buffs might help if there’s people not willing to play them.


Isn’t survival hunter an oxymoron anyway?


Nooo. After the weekly reset I plan on starting mine. I want this current iteration lol

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Lately, holy priest may qualify as well.


lol wut?


Nobody played it when it was ranged, it was a trash spec pretty every single patch.


Well this is about the dumbest thing i’ve read today.


Nah it used to give you +10% HP!

I just bought a time share option!


Surv has the best tools for M+ amongst all 3 Hunter specs, but streamers rarely play it and most of the community is just too lazy to try out anything new as they believe emulating what the “pros” do is the path of least resistance, even if they often can’t even play the spec they chose based entirely on streamer performances (shoutout to a large portion of the Fire Mage playerbase).

Getting away from all that BS is probably the best perk of maining a healer.


For a spec called survival it sure sucks at being able to sustain any sort of meaningful contribution.

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It was absolutely excellent in Dragon Soul. It was absolutely excellent throughout MoP and had one of the most incredible set bonuses ever in SoO. And it was very good for the earlier parts of Highmaul/BRF until BM took over but was never fully outclassed by it either.

It was never this “meme spec” you claim it is.


No, melee survival hunter is an awesome idea and we don’t need 3 generic ranged hunter specs. Nothing was special about old SV hunter. Not sure who your getting your info from, but old SV also was unpopular cause it sucked in everyway.