Predictions for p2 whining

Get some reading comprehension. No where did I say it was still like that. Some of y’all are so quick to attack others for absolutely zero reason. Seriously please learn to read whats there and stop adding your own mental thoughts to other’s posts.

Battlegrounds exist for a reason beyond botting honor. Virtually no-one playing the game was grinding R14 before the system was changed.

If you were as good as you think you are, you’d be begging for premade vs. premade queue or rated battleground addition. After you got R14, that is.

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I have been for years. They dont seem to care

Im better than you imagine me to be

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You want me to write of a proof of the reason something was created? Or that most people weren’t grinding R14 when it took 16 hours/day of BGs for weeks on end without breaks? Both of these make sense intuitively to people who have a drivers license.

Ok, but this is what you’re trolling me about so what do you want to talk about next?

join a premade or get farmed.

you know exactly what game you are playing

Its not changing. suck it up/get over it


…are you Frosstfire? Lol

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not even close.

learn to join some sociable pvp discords. I dont want to see you in any of the complaint threads about pugs balling their eyes out

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You are definitely him, lmao. You troll 1/3rd of the threads on this board with the exact same phrase.

There’s no issue with lack of premade queue, but yet you’ve been asking Blizz to add it? How many alts / total posts do you have, Frosst?

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idc, im the one winning, youll be losing

Well I knew that, but for some reason you lied about wanting rated or premade-only queue. Odd.

11k + 266 posts atm.

Detective Absolutelek wrong again! Who would have guessed?


Do I know you? Lol, whose alt is this now?

If he was good he’d play playing retail tbh.

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He was salty when they split the SoD queues too.

Cried for weeks about how it wasn’t happening and then got rekt.

Very similar to a recent dual spec debacle now that I think about it.

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how does dual spec relate to qs?

this is a relaunch. join a premade if you dont want to lose

arent you the classic transmog andy?

(they changed the qs back, because solo players are the minority)

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I have no friends either. Does that mean I should just do AV? hey, whatever works.

Yeah that or use your keyboard and make friends. I’m not gonna make excuses for you

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They need to make it so premades can only match vs other premades, would pretty much solve any issue there.

The “let them win” people def need to be reported too, it’s cancerous and I’m glad at least that’s being looked at now.

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If the honor system follows the era servers, how many hours of AV grind until rank 14? (Solo queue).

Don’t play SoD so I didn’t know about that. Good change, hopefully comes to regular WoW.