Prediction: 9.2: Tyrande "Forgives" Sylvanas - Danuser Hates NE's

Nah, Blizz is setting everyone up for a subverting your expectations moment. I don’t like the current style of WoW lore very much personally, but I think this is all actually going somewhere and is feinting one way to go another. There’s a bit of foreshadowing for this in the Korthia music if you understand the reference.

I think anyone with some decent writing knowledge knows how to write a redemption story where both sides are shown. Even the current storyline COULD work if you let Tyrande go full tilt where she throws at Sylvanas everything she has done to get the power to defeat her - and this all should be for nothing now?

My father (a writer) always asks us how we can endure such incoherent storyline with so many plot holes. He would already have given up on the IP.

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Danuser does not hate Tyrande, He hates everything that was not written by him.

He single handedly destroyed all established lore since WC1 just by introducing Zovaal and making him behind every single thing that happened in Warcraft universe. Can’t get any worse than that.

Of course Tyrande will forgive Sylvanas.

It’s something bad for Night Elves and something good for Sylvanas or in other words: The story of the past 4 years

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I think he’s doing his best. Sad, I know.

Good. I hope she and Tyrande can part company as good friends. Perhaps Tyrande will embrace Sylvanas and call her “Sister”.

It is noble and commendable of Tyrande to want revenge for her people. Yet she misses the larger picture. Sylvanas did Azeroth a favor by removing the blighted weed.