Prediction: 9.2: Tyrande "Forgives" Sylvanas - Danuser Hates NE's

This is part of why danuser sucks. His inability to write complex stories.

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Hi preacher, choir here.

You any good at singing?

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Know what would be a real crazy ending though lol just for fun. Tyrande forgives Sylvanas but then Nathanos appears from out of no where and kills Sylvanas. :joy:

this is not a prediction but confirmed through datamining. Stop trying to make it look like you are smart.

Lets be honest, he’s unable to write the simplest of stories.

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You forgot the hug and double cheek kiss.

His best is the garbage you see before you. Every new spoiler and dialogue has me actually physically cringing.

The guy needs to find a new career and leave writing to… actual writers.

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Amen to this post!

The worst part is, I think people claiming he’s already DOING his best are right at this rate.

Only the self deluded can think at this point that simping this hard for Sylvanas is actually still servicing the story to any extent.

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well, all we can hope is that zovaal curbstomps the crap character in the final raid cinematic of 9.2

Um, this does not narrow the list down any…?

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It also marked the end of demon hunter season.

I mean, they are the same game.


Certainly not the same experience.

I totally hear you though, Steve is a horrible writer, I said this in another post.

He seems to have a board where he marks Begining, Middle and End, then labels them 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2, then realizes that he needs a 10.3, so he changes the 10.1 and 10.2, and pushes them back to 10.2, 10.3, and decides to put a tournament style raid that has nothing to do witht he story, but involves the main characters, job done in his eyes.

He knows where he wants to go, but has no idea how to get there.

In WoW, story should drive gameplay, which should in turn drive story.

That it doesn’t is why I personally think Blizzard is losing subscribers / MAU’s.

Tyrande: “Are you even sorry?”

Sylvanas: “I will never sorry.”

Tyrande looks at Uther: “She’s not sorry.”

She already did. Elune told Winter Queen that Tyrande needs to choose vengeance vs forgiveness. She chose forgiveness

Danuser once again simpin’ for Sylvanas.

Ya know, it’s getting sad.

WoW and it’s “Story” and “Lore” have been all downhill since this has become the acceptable norm for WoW.

I guess the paying subscriber just isn’t on board with Danuser’s virtual genocidal girlfriend being both the protagonist and worst murder hobo in the game’s history.

Funny, that…

3rd demon hunter spec…

Forgiveness? Healing spec?

You have now officially put more thought into Death Knight’s third spec than Blizzard.
