Predicting the outrage of Vulpera

If Vulpura get added at least Pandas wont be the least likely race for me to play anymore.

Hey. The mechagnomes are awesome!

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Neither faction is gonna be happy cuz Horde will be getting fish goblins instead of Vulpura anyways.

Or maybe they just completely gave up trying to do allied races altogether. Who knows.

Easy solution, end the faction divide.

Then you don’t have to worry about pissing off sections of your playerbase with every single move.
Players wouldn’t have to decide between playing with their friends and playing the race they enjoy.

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Nah. We got two left for BFA

Yes, just like Lightforged, a race that basically a better version of the original race.

Pretty much this. I seriously, seriously doubt Vulpera will ever be a playable race in this game.

I’m not saying I don’t want them to be a playable race, but I do think they have a less than 1% chance of actually becoming playable.

In fact, the Vulpera-themed Brewfest drink some people were hyped-up about turned out to just be a general Zandalari-themed drink from the Zandalari Troll brew vendor. That’s not a good sign for Vulpera.

In all likelihood, Vulpera will probably never get added as a playable race.

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Void Elves were made into a player race and they came from the developers be-hind!

Anything the current devs make, have a pretty good chance at becoming a player race. Or do you forget Nightborne, Void Elves, Highmountain, Lightforged?

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One could argue that adding lasers to things does increase their coolness level. However, the lightforged are flippin’ crazy. Shocked that the Alliance hasn’t imploded when they decided to have void elves and lightforged on the same team.

Newest addition to the nonsense blizzard has overlooked.

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They didn’t overlook it, they just don’t care.

The Alliance in blizzard’s eyes is the faction of holding hands and everyone getting along all the times and no exceptions. Ever. That’s why they’re the alliance, of course. I mean, if Alliance had interfaction conflict within it’s ranks, they’d be the Horde! right?


EDIT: Back on topic, either the Vulpera will become an allied race, or they won’t. Flip a coin at this point, or just wait and see.

If they had interfaction conflict, then they’d have to write about it and most of the expansion story wouldn’t be focused on the Horde and what they are doing about things.

Alliance spy on them, and then if the Horde need help with a rebellion, or need a leader killed so they get mad at Alliance and join the Horde, they will be there on command.

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Alliance literally never interact positively with a single vulpera NPC. They kill a couple of unaffiliated Irontide pirates in Freehold that happen to be vulpera, but that’s it.


More bodies to fill the Horde is always a good thing, All Outcasts are welcome under the red banner.

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I don’t want them but adding them doesn’t hurt me. So I’ll just not roll one and be happy for those that would get enjoyment from them

But I am excited for the inevitable threads of “horde gets exactly what they want! Horde favoritism!”

Even though it’s not what many of us want

Cannonically the Horde resurrects their god and saves their civilization from extremists.

But yeah, they’ll totally be Alliance.


How does anyone “prepare” for the outrage?

Why does anyone prepare for it?


Oh, I get it. The trolls start salivating.

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I just wanna make foxxybrown

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I can’t wait to play… A FURRY WARRIOR! Best class ever.

Wait… there’s a Sethrak COMMUNITY? :open_mouth:

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