Predicted Class Population

On PVP yeah. I think on PVE the same reasons that prevented interest will again.

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On Alliance, Warlocks and Druids will be the least played, with Warriors, Mages, and Rogues as the most played. This might change depending on PvE vs PvP servers.

Well the weird thing is back in vanilla druid and lock were low pop classes. However a lot of posts and places I’ve looked reflect that those two will be more populated now then the past.

Most surveys still indicate druid being lower pop.

Warrior, hunter, mage are safe high pop bets. The difference will come in as I think less people will play rogue as their first main this time around. Lock population will be higher than in vanilla by a good margin because people have seen their potential. Druid will be higher due to feral being a little more viable with powershifting and lots of current players love their druids. Pala and shaman will be average pop on their respective factions. And priest will likely be higher than expected especially on alliance side with more min/max wanting fear Ward.

But still lowest played… I’d say lock, Pala, rogue for alliance. For horde I’d say druid, priest, sham in that order.

Just my guess.

Only to get greatly disapointed when they can’t face tank a whole zone worth of mobs like it’s the case in retail.

Stance dancing is not for everyone :wink:

Back to the most popular class played, Warrior-Mage-Rogue will be top 3 I’m pretty sure of that. But yeah like I just said above, people who did not played warriors in Vanilla may be in for a surprise, be it pleasant or not depending on each person.

This is what I see in Beta Classic.

  • Paladins - I see many of them… Tanking, Ret DPS and Holy Heals - Free mount at 40. I can understand why they are so many.
  • Warriors - when I first get invited in to the guild, I saw 10 Warriors on it. We went to Razorfen Kraul many times to do their Whirlwind Weapon Quest. They were among the best DPS and of course Tanking in Vanilla.
  • Rogues - most of my Dungeon runs and WSG games always have Rogues.
  • Mages - they are many. They always supply water and food on our dungeon runs… and a portal at the end of dungeon run. They are very good in BGs becoz they Frost Nova’d everyone and sheep the important people of the BG team.
  • Priests - there are some and the team with most of them always win BGs becoz of awesome heals
  • Warlocks - there are some of them. I always get DoTs from them in BGs. These are the savior of Dungeon parties. The last member of the party doesnt need to run to the dungeon… Warlocks summon.
  • Druids - not really popular… only 1 Druid in the guild? Come on. They are the best Flag carriers in WSG.
  • Hunters - very popular at lower levels from level 1 to 30. At level 40, I dunno what happened to them. I think they switched classes. Hunters carry too much stuffs leaving few available spaces on their bags. They carry ammo, water, pet food. With limited bag space, it’s hard to farm as a Hunter. How do you get 80g on your first mount with limited bag space as a Hunter?

Warriors, mages, hunters, the faction specific class and rogues will be the most popular

I think I came to the same conclusion too. The reason why I stick with my thought is because I believe people will be overall more accepting of “off roll” players. Players will be much better at the game now, and understand how to min/max everything.

This list is really close, imo. Priest may be a bit higher, and there may be more druids than paladins just because of all the retail players coming into the game that never played classic, and with druid being one of the most popular classes today. Sodapoppin streaming druid game play to 50,000 people every day helps too.

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