Predict TWW's "not on the box" feature

The Dungeon Finder, LFR, M+, Transmog, Follower dungeons.

All of these and other evergreen features have two things in common: They changed the game in significant ways, and I’m pretty sure they were not part of the sales pitch for their expansions’ launch. This actually happens a lot in WoW, and we have every reason to potentially hope for something like this to happen in TWW.

So what’s it going to be?

My money’s on an expansion of Follower Dungeons to include our alts in the pool of NPCs we bring with us, potentially to then let them progress and let us take them into heroic or Mythic 0. I don’t see M+ ever being follower-enabled because of affixes and timers being kind of against the ethic of dungeons done at one’s own time, able to get up and literally fix a meal between pulls.

But yeah, that’s my vote: “Warband dungeons,” potentially putting follower dungeons in the great vault through heroic dungeon (or higher) inclusion.

What about you?

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how are warband dungeons any different from the current NPC follower dungeons?

the gameplay experience is entirely the same; the only change would be cosmetic - your followers look like your alts.

Player Housing

a cat is wearing an oxygen mask and the word copium is below it


I would love the opportunity to chew out my hunter for standing in the fire.

That one might be a bit too much wishful thinking.

Metzen went out of his way to talk up Midnight’s features. My guess is housing of some sort or guild halls is being saved for it.

Dance Studio.

Or maybe Tikity Tokity integration.

/moo :cow:

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Battleground Blitz imo. Not a huge advertisement but will likely affect the way battlegrounds are handled in the future as it doesn’t make sense to do the “non-rated” content anymore.

Well, I figure it’d be more work for one thing, since they’d have to adapt 33-ish potential follower AIs for each instance instead of the current “10 characters, mixes of 5 are fixed for each dungeon.”

That’s not even going into the mess that might come from the fact that followers RP and talk a bit about what’s going on.

Well, dungeon finder wasn’t implemented until 3.3.0, so of course that wasn’t going to be part of the expansion sales pitch.

LFR wasn’t added until the last raid of Cata, so that wasn’t going to be part of the expansion sales pitch.

Follower dungeons weren’t added until 10.2.5, so that wasn’t going to be part of the expansion sales pitch.

Transmog wasn’t added until 4.3.0, so that wasn’t going to be part of the expansion sales pitch.

But M+ absolutely was part of the expansion sales pitch and was added in 7.0.3.

(Edit to add: this was all just for informational purposes, so I apologize if it came across any other way.)

Mismanagement of Expectations


God I hope not. That trash needs to be purged from the internet.

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Not sure what TWW’s would be, but the Trading Post was also not a featured thing for the DF launch but did end up releasing a few months after DF launched.

Bonus features are great.

Maybe the War Within will be in-game counseling so we can explore the war within ourselves.


We don’t want player housing. We want guild housing.

We also want it to follow us around from expac to expac. So it has to fly.

We also can’t give anybody creative freedom in that space because then they will fill it entirely with phalluses in 2 minutes or less.

We also want it to be able to be gotten by any player, so all the widgets and achievements for it will be tied to pet battles.

Playable horronir and arathi

Shamam tanks

This will require an ultra elite player house costing 5,000,000 gold and the studio addon that can only be constructed by those with the carpenter profession and costs 5 enchanted crests plus other materials.

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So… after about the billionth GIANT…MANEATING… BUG I massacred… I thought… “is this really all there is to afterlife? An endless supply of giant mutant bugs and devourers??”


I couldn’t help but wonder… Is killing things in Azeroth really about saving the world, or is it about saving ourselves?

Logging in feels like slipping into something familiar, a welcome escape. But when the grind isn’t just in-game—when it’s a way to quiet the noise in my own head—what does that say? We talk about slaying dragons, but the real battle is waking up and facing reality.

And just like that, I wondered: are we fighting to feel alive, or does it just help us forget we’re barely hanging on?

(This could be a thread on its own lol)


Stop saying “we”