Predator title bugged

I have spent a week looking for Xemirkol after earning the Jungle Stalker achievement (killed all 60 rares), Exalted with Order of the Awakened and achieved the Tanaan Diplomat achievement (don’t think this is required but I got it anyway).

I have done 10-20 attempts per day with no result. I even logged in the second that realms went back online on Tuesday and immediately used the crystal but no prey was found.

I genuinely think there is a bug with either the seeking crystals or the rare and spent a lot of time hunting the title and would like to know if this has been looked into since I’ve seen multiple posts about this topic. Thank you


Been wondering the same thing. Have completed the same exact requirements as you and done the same amount of attempts with the crystal per day for the last week. Even read somewhere that the rare respawns after every Tuesday maintenance, and so yesterday I made sure to log on asap when the realms came back up, and since I last logged out near his spot in Tanaan, I immediately used the crystal and still nothing.

Has to be a bug.


ugh, I knew I should’ve gone for the title when I first found out about it over a year ago :sob:

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Yeah, I remember wanting it when it was currently WoD, but I was a raw PvP player and I’d be caught dead before I would touch any PvE in WoD. Window missed of course after all of a sudden I got an urge to try getting the title only recently after all these years of WoD being over lol.

can I bump this

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Think the only way to bump this is to keep people replying to it

Blizz PLEASE fix this rare! It’s not even a rare, it’s just straight up not in the game!

wtb bug fix


wtb rare spawn bug fix

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blizz pls :sob: :pray:


maybe I should get a job at blizzard, fix the bug and then quit


That’s the only way 90% of bugs get fixed.


Has anyone tried recently? I’ve given up

So have I. At this point I’ve just been trying after Tuesday maintenances, I just park my toon near his spawn and get back on asap once I see servers are back up. Not even then is he there when I use the crystal, and yes I kill the rare boar first thats just behind that building so that the crystal doesn’t put me there.

Guy still hasn’t spawned. Unbelievable.


Yep. Still not working

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Blizzard should have a new holiday event. Once a year, for just a few days at a time, make achievements bug free.


Still nothing a month later


any news about this?? its still bugged right? :frowning:

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Nothing again.