Preach's stance on flying and pathfinder

Classic is a perfect example of how boring this game use to be.


i HOPE! Shadowlands is nothing like legion/ ARGUS or Nazjatar Those are gross maps that are just pain in he butt on ground mounts.

You don’t know or don’t care to know why I like flying so you make up some dismissive headcannon.

You just can’t wrap your head around the fact most people find it fun. It’s freedom in the game. How many other games give you the freedom wow does? Or used to rather.


You just want to skip everything that’s it


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We know that these four maps are self contained maps which makes then already closer to Argus. Basion looked like a bunch of rolling hills but I wonder the limitation of designing such small self contained zones. This means that if you spend most of your time for your designated covenant than it will dull the playing experience quickly if there isn’t enough content in that one zone. So the quest lines for each particular covenant will be important to determine if shadowlands has replay value.

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I would like to address the idea that complaining is not “acting like an adult”. We all know that young children throw temper tantrums. So apparently, being an adult means doing what you are told and not complaining. Well, wrong.

Just in case some of you haven’t figured it out yet, we are consumers who purchased a product. And consumers do complain about products and that does lead to products being changed on occasion.

If do not like to hear people complaining about what the devs have decided, I assume it’s because you think that Blizzard is like your parent and they might take your toys away if you misbehave and “complain” too much. Well, grow up. Blizzard is a company, they make a product. When they make a crappy product, people SHOULD complain.


The game started it’s downward trend in Cata (losing 3m subs), which was the first expansion to let you fly from the very outset. So I’m not sure correlation = causation.

You COULD say “well but Cata had other problems” which is true. But I could also follow that up with “WoD had far worse problems.”

What’s fun about flying? We all like to fly due to it being more efficient / quicker but in itself it adds nothing to your game, you are less of a skill raider or pvper cos you can’t fly, so if you have to wait a year for it which you will again you will still be able to be gladiator or mythic raider or whatever you want to accomplish.

Like I said I don’t want them to take away flying but I don’t mind it waiting for it to be available because I can still play the game and so can everyone.

People tend to forget how truly large WoW was on Vanilla release. Azeroth is approximately the same size as Earth. In game, it’s sized down to make it playable otherwise the Eastern Kingdoms would be about the size North/Central/South America and Argus would have been about the size of Utah.

Even sized down for playability, the original release is M-A-S-S-I-V-E and lends to flying to get around. Outland, Northrend and Pandaria were also massive until we were given the worst expansion in history with WoD. Blizzard shifted to smaller landscapes and attempted to fill them with content, drastically shortening the distances between points. In short, they lend themselves less to flying and those who can fly get a much better appreciation for how much smaller these expansions are.

This is 100% why Blizzard started taking a stance against making flying so accessible. Full stop.

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It doesn’t seem anything I say will change your mind. You’ve got it set in your head that flying is basically throw away.

If you’ll actually take an opinion into consideration then I’ll tell you.

I think flying is fun because I get a more complete picture of every zone. I don’t think you get anywhere near the appreciation for a zone’s art from the ground as you do from the sky.

I’m a visual player. Transmog is bar none the most important feature for me in wow. If transmog was taken away I’d instantly quit without a second thought. A lot of that love of the visual spills over for zone design. Flying makes the world more visually appealing.

Flying gives me freedom. I hate exploring from the ground. So much so that I do it for the bare minimum to get pathfinder. Once I get flying I’ll see something flying to a WQ or whatever I’m doing and think oh that’s cool never noticed that let me check it out. I don’t have to deal with “oh thats not the correct way up there…neither is this way…you know what…not worth it”. I can explore and actually enjoy the world.


So much this. I just got revered with Unshackled and I’m not going back there until I can fly, unless the person grinding flying with me needs me there. I want to see more than just the rocks next to me!

Wrath of the Lich King was perfect example of why flying was better


Back when they actually designed zones with Flying in mind.

Originally they shot down our desire for a transmog system because they “Didn’t want to insult artists by having players wear older gear instead of the new gear the current artists worked hard on.”

I don’t mind hoofing it around a new expansion. Until said hoofing it requires me to go clear across a large map for one little quest then return. If the quests (and initial end game content) keeps hoofing it in mind… I’m good. If the initial game content is developed with “they can fly… eventually” in mind, but we can’t unlock flying for half a year… then it is incredibly bad design.



Nevermind, probably don’t care.

There you are. Throwing snark into a flying thread.

When I was in the military, the first week of boot camp/basic training was the “rainbow flight.” Everyone showed up in all different types of clothes (often not the nicest stuff you owned) and it was an explosion of mismatched color. Then, BAM. BDUs. Everyone looked the same.

Both have their appeal I guess, and I’m mog addicted.

The same could be argued about mounts, and even gear. The game is perfectly playable with only the most basic gear, so surely players don’t need better armor and weapons, right? It just makes some things easier, but the game can be played without it.