Pre-War Bands transmog question

Ive seen this answered 2 different ways, but didnt know if anyone actually knew.

So Im farming tomb of sargares for my Pally, Lock and Hunter. And im running all 3 through plus a few others. I need the Pally legs to finish the set and say my Lock gets them. Ive seen 2 trains of thought.

  1. Loot them and bank them. Once Warbands go live (and after probably a few bugs fixed) my Pally will have them added to their collection.

  2. Don’t loot. Let them sit in the mail box and Once Warbands go live (and after probably a few bugs fixed) get them from the mail and my Pally will have them added to their collection.

On beta, they dont have all items, so I can neither confirm nor deny either of these scenarios. Anyone have any insight? Or just wait till the patch in a few weeks?

I am not aware of any official word on how this would work, but previous transmog expansions have all been able to add items already in your possession to your collection, so it would seem a safe bet that you’re fine to just loot things now and hold onto them until the feature goes live.

Either one would work, as long as you can loot your mailbox before the mails expire and get destroyed.

If you seem likely to forget about them, bank is probably the safest option.

Well if both work, I’m fine. Ill just let them sit since we have to be less than 29 days.

On beta, any previously non-learnable items were immediately learned upon login, whether they were in bags, bank, or void storage. Any BoE previously-unlearnable items will learn when you right click them to learn, or will auto-learn if you sell it.

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Perfect! Thank you!

Missed this at first. Class restrictions are still in place. Item will likely need to go into Warbank for Pally to learn, unless you get the non-class replica item for all plate wearers. Rule of thumb is: if it just says the armor type, it’s learnable, but if it lists a class, then that class still has to learn it. (unless they changed that within the last couple weeks)