Pre-Purchasing the war within benefits

Pre-Purchasing The War Within will come with Dragonflight and just so you know you don’t need to purchase dragonflight. When the war within pre-purchase guarantees you the expansion once you pre-purchase the war within expansion.

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stop prepurchasing garbage that is a year away.

jesus christ


Thanks for sharing?

Whatever! I do what I want! (insert cartman meme)

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If it’s a new game you know nothing about, sure preordering before at least the first reviews is dumb. But in the case of WoW it makes literally no difference.


No <3 :slight_smile:


Im not a horrible enough person to reccomend this game to anyone. Its bad enough i paid for a sub.

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I’m going to pre-order even harder now.


Well actually DF will come free with sub after War With in comes out, so yea

Put a chicken in it? Oh wait, they did that already. Bow down to dagger mommy!

I figured just the boost was worth the cost.

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I wanted the enhanced 70 boost.

no. i do what i want with my money :slight_smile:


The cynical side of me always looks at games that go on pre-order so far out from launch as a sign that the company isn’t too confident in their product.

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I’ll buy the next expansion after 10 months or so have passed and catch up gear is easy access, if then.
Im off the hamster wheel gear grind that makes me hate current content.
Took 6 years to figure out what I DONT like about this game.
DF and those damned flightstones opened my eyes to what was the problem, lol


I do what I want.


I laughed at this way too hard.

Do preorders ever get discounted/go on sale during sale periods or is that not a thing?

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I’m going to do what I did with Dragon Flight, wait til I hear all of the details and then buy it (or not) a week before release.