Pre-Purchase Dragonflight Now!

To be fair, doesn’t most of that apply to pretty much every collector’s edition bonus? Cosmetic stuff is always subjective anyway, but someone’ll say the same about all of them (especially the mounts, all of which have been reskins starting with the first in MoP).

did they charge you right away when you did that? I’m trying to figure out when the gear store will charge you when you pre-order. I don’t know if it’s like Amazon where they don’t charge til shipping.

Five different editions.

The sales and marketing teams really going all out.

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I have my doubts. They had two bad expansions in a row. After seeing this expansion is being rushed, I think we will see another fail launched.

Eh, FOMO speaks for itself. It’s the first time that preordering actually gives something that won’t be available after launch! Probably gonna result in a sales bump and go a long way towards curbing refunds since the more compulsive collectors won’t want to miss out on or give up that pet even if DF ends up being another stinker.

$171 for collector edition + over $57 in shipping lol. better have it in stores that crazy. $228.00 unless they sell in store my collection is going to be incomplete just sad.

Mission table didnt seem like it ever got finished, tuning on Kyrian covenant achies seems like it was never finished, only making an outdoor map with rares on any zero actual content makes it feel like a truly funfinished product yeah.

Covneant ability tuning also…nobody working on that. Raid runing…

All in all SL seems like a totally unfinished product. The reson why WoW is sitll making money is because the other mmo’s dont know how to make good gameplay.

The original WoW devs made good gameplay…and thats what is still keeping WoW together.

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what does the 60 boost include?

Yes, Ursoc pet is new as well


That’s a cool picture of Alexstraza.

When are the pre-order bonus items available in game, such as the back cosmetics and such?

So the 60 boost only applies to the WoW license for the purchase? Whereas if I purchase say a faction change, it applies to all my WoW licenses? WoW 1 and WoW 2? (I bought the epic edition).

reads the pre-purchase announcement
This year?

  • Diadem of the Spell-Keeper: A back-slot transmog, which includes 5 color variants, one for each of the major Dragonflights.

But is it? Doesn’t a diadem go on your head? That not very attractive (to me) horned headpiece pictured - it’s not a head slot item? But that’s the description under the heading EPIC IN-GAME CONTENT.

The Toxicity on these forums has to end …


Not sure if those tiny Dragonling wings qualify as ‘EPIC In Game cosmetics’ …

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As soon as you pre-order.

That one goes on your head. There are some wings that go on your back.

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Oh hell, I didnt even think about the shipping. T.T I dont want to miss on a physical CE though, I have all 17 they’ve released for the game…

You can cancel a pre-order. But the real news, at least to me , has more to do with the line about should be available on or before December 31, 2022.

My dude’s that’s just a tad more than 6 months from now, alpha isn’t even out yet.

I’m all for wanting new content – lord knows I’m eager to get away from SL and all the Maw crap…but they’ve not shown us a lick of real game play they haven’t do REAL deep dive into content. (That crappy “deep dive” video they attached to the announcement in April doesn’t qualify IMO).

Very nervous for this to be quality now…before this I would have told anyone you are nuts to see this game go live before March.


So this announcement was just as rushed as the expac? Proof reading, guys.
Yes. I accept my raspberries.