Does anyone know if I pre-order Dragonflight, will I also get Shadowlands, or will I still need to purchase that if I want to play it now? I see that old expansion become free with base game when a new one comes out, but is that at launch, or?..
Shadowlands is the current xpac and you’ll be required to purchase it before Dragonflight comes out. Blizz has a sale for Shadowlands now, I think half the price? Or you can wait until Dragonflight is released and Shadowlands will be included.
First, no. There’s almost no information on this expansion but to charge an above-premium price for it before releasing less than any other expansion beforehand? Are you high?
Also, I saw someone in-game with the cloak transmogs on and, well… they look terrible. For 90 bucks you’d expect some sort of flash or pizazz. They just lay like dead moths across your back. It’s really, really bad. LOL
I can already tell this next xpac is gonna be terrible if this is the quality we’re getting already.
Similar camp here and agree with you Fuzzbutt (cute name, lol).
I’ve been retired from high endgame content for a while now. I’m just interested in building and leveling my alt armies, transmogs, mounts, pets, world content. I’m much more happier today doing my own thing and I’m actually busier with all the in-game activities / questing and collecting than when I was raiding and doing high m+ keys on two of my mains. I’ll be playing around with the DF talent trees and I’ll play how I want too and not by any meta.
I love my new dragon winged transmog and they’re far from looking like dead moths across your back. I’ve already color coordinated some of my characters. As someone said, each to their own.
You want to release this the exact same time you release WotlK classic? trust me you want to give people the opportunity to play Dragonflight cause if you release them within 2 months of eachother you got no one playing Dragonflight… just polish the game and release it Q1 of 2023…
This may come as a surprise, but not everyone is interested in playing Classic Wrath.n More power to those that are, but it’s a hardly universal sentiment.
They did this exact same early pre-order for Shadowlands claiming early release than having to refund players when they could not deliver on their promises. Even after the all the uproar they still turn it all around to boast how World of Warcraft Shadowlands has the highest pre-orders of any World of Warcraft expansion. They again are trying to pull this dishonest claim of a 2022 release, and they know that there are enough players who will still take the bait.
It’s pretty well just to generate hype and pre order sales.
There’s little to no chance it’s ready this year and they’ll delay it citing it’s not ready and needs more time and polish to give us the quality we expect yada yada yada…