The quest “Allay Their Fears” in bastion is broken as of the Dragon Flight pre-patch phase 2 update. After completing the first two objectives, the third objective “Allaying Ritual completed” is not operational. You can step in the designated spot, but will not be prompted to complete the ritual. No bonus action button will appear, and manually clicking the staff next to the quest or in the inventory does nothing. I stayed in the area in order to watch and confirm with other players that the bug was indeed happening for them too. I tried reloading ui, reloading the game, and logging out and back in. Nothing worked. I left and came back a few hours later and it still didn’t work and I confirmed with more players that the quest was not working for them either.
Happened to me. bump.
Bugged for me too! Same thing.
I can confirm it’s bugged. Happened to 4 of us
I can confirm it is still bugged 11/17 at 1:15PM EST
Same issue here. Giant waste of time
Happened to me too. Bump
Ditto! Bump.
Same here bump
same here…
I’m with a bunch of folks (I’m WrA, most of them seemed to be also) of both factions who can’t complete the quest the same way as documented above. I wanted that anima, too.
Side note: The last two times I’ve done this quest, the energy that gets pulled into the crook was a blue and white target cube instead of something ethereal.
Still bugged today.
Wasted a few min with this today chasing gold, very lame.
Bugged for me too. What a hassle.
Happened to me too. No 278 gold
Time waster
As of 11/25 10am EST, the bug is still an issue.
Still bugged
I can’t finish the ritual, so it is still bugged.
Same with two other ppl here. 11.25 at 1:56 pm