Pre-Patch gear deleted

I bought gear to use on my Earthen Shaman and Drakthyr warrior for when they were added, I stored everything in my Warband bank and just went to put other stuff in, and ALL of my gear is gone. Why was it all deleted, and can it be restored? I’ve been trying to put in a ticket about it in game and I just keep getting the run-around.

Same thing I had 3 rows of different types of gear from the Pre Patch Event saved up for my alts…its all gone now…if I had known I would of sent each of types of gear to proper class and stored in personal banks…this is BS…I want my gear back

Blizzard is aware and a fix is coming soon.

That has nothing to do with missing RM gear that was in my warbank now…3 rows of it was there yesterday and is not gone …I moved nothing or put nothing in there since day before …all that gear was on the far right side of my first warbank tab…I kept it away from other stuff in the first warbank tab.