Pre-Patch = free testing?

Seems to be lot less issues than now then, the ones you listed are just a small bit if compared by the ones by now, in number and severity lol.

There are a lot of small bugs.

They couldn’t even release all the features of the warband. It was a poor pre patch release. Hopefully most of it will be fixed with the next maintenance.

I’m hoping the actual release of the expansion will be smooth like the last couple of expansions. They have been doing a great job since WoD.

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Well that is a matter of opinion.
I’ve been playing the pre-patch and almost everything is fine for me.

Not having the Warbands bank available is bad because it means it wasn’t ready and they should’be just made it available later.

You are looking at it wrong.

Pre-patch is not free testing.

It’s paid early access!!!

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No biggie!

So, what did we learn?

I mean, yeah? Half the reason there’s a prepatch at all is as a form of stress testing to hopefully catch major system issues before the actual launch.

Dude it’s not 2006-2010 anymore. After 14 years and with much better technology we should expect better from them.

So it is your own expectation that is making you more frustrated. I’m basing this in the previous experiences.

Can’t help you with your own expectations.

What makes you think I am frustrated? I am not at all. I just don’t settle for mediocrity and expect better from a company that has been doing this for almost 20 years. And so should you.

This. You’re setting up such expectations, so you’re the one to be frustrated with them.

30 min of gameplay 2 more bugs found lol

That’s another idea. Unless you’re in a Beta build, being able to report a bug is a cumbersome process. I’d love to report bugs, but there are two places to do it and the instructions point back at each other.

Go in game, there’s a place to report but its like that button on a cross-walk. Doesn’t do anything really. Then they encourage forum posts. But then you have 3000 posts for the same thing because each person uses a slightly different word or spacing…