Pre-Patch = free testing?

I play since TBC, never seen a Pre-Patch that was this bad, filled with stupid bugs, bad implemented “features”, unbalancing old things. It’s being a nightmare, I was expecting to get better on this new expansion, but I think its cutting my hopes short. I never posted on the forums, but this one deserved. I’m doing a world quest in Zuldazar, that is with vehicle (Wrath of Rezan world quest), the vehicle does have 500k hp, the npcs hit it for 1M each hit, the npcs have 50k hp, I hit them for 100…
Blizzard must be really short staffed to this pass through testing this way… Using players as slave testers… Shameful for what this company once was.


I been playing since WoTLK. And yes, this patch has been awful. I get they changed a lot of things but so awful. Feels like a buggy beta build. I don’t play beta for a reason. I am just not doing anything serious right now. Glad this isn’t start of a new season


Exactly my thoughts, I have the beta because of the epic edition, I didn’t bother, I like to feel the game on the pre-patch and play as a whole when it launches, but I never felt so disappointed with this game, I stopped mid legion because didn’t had time/didn’t had who to play with, got back slowly on end of SL, was playing slowly and casually, got more interested late Dragonflight, now they just totally lost again. If doesn’t get better by the event next week, will just do a bit for cosmetics, then will or demand for a refund and stop playing or have it just to look and remember the former glory of this decadent game.

This has probably been the buggiest period I’ve ever experienced.
What I don’t understand is how the PTR and Beta are more stable environments than retail. Retail has bugs neither of those have. Retail has talents from random old Beta builds. How does that happen?

I genuinely want to know how a class can be fine on Beta and PTR, but then come Production (retail) it isn’t.




Because for some unknown reason the PTR build wasn’t the build we got at the end of the day, we got some hodgepodge of beta+PTR work that they had backend and had no public testing.

So now you are the tester on Live.


I have to wonder, given they kept extending the maintenance over and over in two hour increments, if they had too many issues that they couldn’t fix in a timely manner, without having maintenance literally end up taking 24 hours or more.

So to get something out, if seems like they just started cutting and pasting parts from other builds into the one they intended to deploy to get some sort of Frankenstein build that at least was mostly functional and deployable.

And now they are having to not only deal with the original issues but all the adverse, problematic interactions between the somewhat incompatible parts that the stitched together.

Hence, I shall hereby dub this the Stitches pre-patch!

/moo :cow:


They literally ripped apart core pillars of the game and rebuilt them for this expansion because WE asked them to.

Doing something like that WILL create bugs. It’s bloody inevitable. Sit down.

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Will create bugs, but their job isn’t to fix them BEFORE releasing? I’d rather have a postponed launch than this terrible sh*t show.


The pre-patch and the expansion should both have been delayed, trying to rush them out like this is just going to make people wonder if the expansion will be just as bad. Blizz needs to stop trying to set themselves unrealistic targets, and take their time. I mean they gave themselves until the end of the year for the expansion release, they should have taken it.

it has been well known for some time now, the real beta starts once we go live.

Maybe will be a return of the Warcraft 3 Refunded?

Tell me you’ve never worked in game development, without telling me you’ve never worked in game development.

Not all bugs get caught and fixed before a patch goes live. It’s impossible for that to happen. If a bug can’t be reproduced reliably, it can’t be fixed. Which is why developers who do public alpha/beta tests want you to put as much detail as you can into bug reports, no matter how small. If you’re walking up a flight of stairs and the game crashes, just saying: “Walked up stairs, game crashed.” doesn’t help them. Which set of stairs was it? What stair were you on when the game crashed? Were you using a spell or emote when you connected with that stair? Any details you can think of to narrow down the bug matters.

Because otherwise John from QA has to run up and down various sets of stairs thousands of times hoping that the bug you experienced gets reproduced. If John is lucky, he runs into your bug and they can then lock it down and fix it. But if John can’t reproduce the bug, then it won’t get fixed until the developers have more data on it, and that only happens when the patch goes live.


This is part of the problem. I agree with you and others who would rather have a pre-patch/ expansion postponed until it is completely polished, but for each person that thinks like us, there is one who wouldn’t want to wait.

Blizz can’t win no matter if they rush it to please one group, or postpone it to please another. A quick glance at all the posts and arguments inside said posts since pre-patch can confirm this.

I think we’re playing the wrong game then, because its not a few bugs, everything is broken right now, flying bugs lots of times if you change from one to other, current fights are bugged, old fights bugged, I don’t complain about the warband bank, since its a pre-patch, there are lots of things that could gone wrong, but everything else world wise, its just stupid.
And I don’t think you never worked in game development either, and more, I don’t think you ever worked in development IT, its ok to deliver things with bug, but not this way, it looks like they didn’t even tested, and that’s I’m talking. They do alpha/beta tests and yeah, people used to help, we had someone posted here already saying that he was part of every testing, always reported the bugs the useful way, but not people go to beta to play, as entertainment and to know of the expansion ahead of the time, so the servers were full, and this guy didn’t had a chance to really test it. But anyway, player testing is not the right way of testing.

This is part of the problem. I agree with you and others who would rather have a pre-patch/ expansion postponed until it is completely polished, but for each person that thinks like us, there is one who wouldn’t want to wait.
Blizz can’t win no matter if they rush it to please one group, or postpone it to please another. A quick glance at all the posts and arguments inside said posts since pre-patch can confirm this.

Don’t need to be completely polished, I know had lots of changes of structure on the game. But the state that they delivered is just unacceptable.
Blizzard is putting lots of launches on their games together killing each other, started with SoD, then Cata classic, hearthstone expansion, now will be retail, then will have new hero on OW2, then new Diablo 4 season.
I know that are different teams and different players to those games. But they can’t and are not maintaining the quality Blizzard had and was praised for it. Leaving lots of people unhappy and losing the faith on the company.
What happened to Warcraft 3 Reforged? Same thing, launched before the time, mass critic and unhappy people. What happened with CD Project Red with Cyberpunk? Released before time, the game now is in a wonderful state, but they released in a way that it was practically unplayable, had lots of critics and refunds and the game didn’t reach the status or the amount of people that it would if it was released on the right time.
Wasn’t needed to delay for too long a month delay would had made wonders to the game and people would barely notice the time.

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i’ve been getting heaps done over the last few days, and the only issue i’ve had was with the action-bars going awol (on one character, once)

No, everything is not broken, not by a long shot. This is another thing that doesn’t help game developers. Hyperbole. Right now there are a few minor bugs here and there, with the largest issue being Warband banks not functioning due to a critical issue. Hopefully that will be fixed by next week with maintenance, but we’ll see.

I’ve worked in both.

Which is why I know that no patch/release is bug free, that it is a literal impossibility, and the larger your audience, the higher the chance that there will be bugs. This is especially true when your audience is in the millions and running your software on rigs of varying levels of performance (the older the hardware/software on the rig, the higher the chance that there will be bugs).

It actually is the right way of testing. One of my old friends who used to do game development used to have a saying. 1 day of a patch being in the hands of the players is worth 10 weeks of QA. That’s simply because of the volume of reports that can help narrow down a bug. When you have a fairly closed environment for testing (internal testing, closed alpha/beta tests), you’re limiting the amount of reports you can get. Open PTR testing is better, but then it really depends on your audience. Are they treating the PTR like actual testing for bugs? Or are they treating it like an early preview? Because the former is great, the latter? Not so much.

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Even the things that do work just feel…bad.

The classes I play mostly feel like cheap versions of what they were a week ago or they feel completely unchanged. Some really weak without hero talents. Others completely broken.

Doesn’t feel like they really shook things up much despite all of the changes they’ve made so it’s all looking like a different recipe but the same result.

Look at the warbank on beta it works fine but on live :dracthyr_shrug:

This is 11.0 there will be another patch 11.0.1. All beginning patches will not go perfectly especially this time around with so much changing and fundamentally changing the game inside out would take some time to fix. And also, live server is a different beast compared to test servers sure you catch some bugs on PTR but when the servers hits the live version will introduce new bugs and new issues. No amount of testing will ever get rid of all issues and or bugs it’s unrealistic.