Pre-Patch Expansion Selection Issue

Tryings different thread…

So here’s my issue. I have 2 friends I was with. One veteran, one newbie. We all went through exiles reach and completed it. My one friend (vet) chose to tour SW once he got there. I chose to skip. I was provided with a quest to go to chromie, which I did, and she then allowed me to pick an expansion to play. All but BFA. The vet was provided with the “Tides of war” quest somehow which obviously gets you into BFA. This is also what I wanted as the newbie HAS to play through BFA as we all know. All I want is to get that quest and I can’t.

Hero board - nothing BFA
Chromie - nothing BFA
NO quests for BFA
All I wanna do is play with my homies. Please help …

this must be some kind of bug, did you talk to the guard standing next to the hero board?? he should give you a letter from the King. that is where the quest begins.

well that is what i got when at first i hit the “im familiar with the city” button.

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Drop your Chromie Time and do what Felisha said. That guard next to the hero board will have the quest for you.

So the guard next to the board actually has nothing. Bug ?

i think it must be a bug.

Ugh. Probably probably going to just roll a void elf and skip all the hoo ha

allied races non allied ravce quest tides of warr is bugged there is 4 different forum posts with tons of replys from people not being able to get bfa starter quest its complete removed of the game (Bugged out) and that all started since the last hotfix patch from yesterday they might ave disabled it by accident

Excellent! Could you direct me to one of those posts?

i cant remember wich of all the post it whas but it got confirmed that they know about it and working on a fix now

this was one of the posts i think I cant start BFA - #119 by Cursewords-tichondrius