Pre-Order Mount Lore Speculation [SPOILER]

The dragon would make a pretty good nelf mount.

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I love the mount too. It’s why I’m debating spending $70 for it. But I’m still on the fence myself

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Yeah totally, couldn’t have anything to do with night elves getting all focus in expansions they aren’t related to (before retcons) or how my faction was toilet flushed to give the night elves a victim card.

Pure projection.

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This is pure nonsense.

Point to what the night elf afterlife was before Shadowlands.
Point to what happened to Wild Gods who died before Shadowlands.
I’ll wait.

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you are just noticing this now? he used a gamergate term the other day.


I knew it for a while now. Just first time I said anything public about his misogynistic behavior against women :wolf:


Man, you guys are big fans of gaslighting.
You know this sort of thing is against the code of conduct, ye?

Good thing nobody’s gaslighting you than.

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The both of you are.
This isn’t the first time, but it is the most egregious.

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you have know idea what this means, apparently

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telling you that you said something you actually said, is not gaslighting. But saying something then telling everyone you didn’t say that, is gaslighting.


I didn’t say or do anything misogynistic.

You literally loose your ish anytime the Kaldorei, a entirely FEMALE lead society is mentioned. Like, you fly off the handle.

You hate women, and you hate you’re being called out on it.

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But keep it up.
I’m just reporting posts as they come.

Is there room for a nonsense joke comment? Or are we going to name call.

Because the dragonflight bonus items seem kinda “Garden of Life + Drust” themed.

Meanwhile, the Shadowlands Eternal Traveler dude ended up being … I do not even know? a date for Venari? Basically the last expac junk was a tease for a tease?

So lord knows what this Xpac junk means.


We have know for a while wild gods could come back. If anything Shadowlands just filled the missing blanks on how that worked.

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We’ve known for over a decade that they regenerate in the Emerald Dream, Zerde. Just in Legion we witnessed it.
We’ve known that night elves become wisps or are turned into stars if Elune super loves them.
Ardenweald didn’t exist until Shadowlands.


I was just joking the green dragon = Elune :woman_facepalming:

Maybe it’s Freya related idk.

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