The wings transmogs from pre-order are ridiculously tiny!!
And they have no physics…
This NEEDS to be addressed, Blizzard.
The wings transmogs from pre-order are ridiculously tiny!!
And they have no physics…
This NEEDS to be addressed, Blizzard.
Totally agree! They should be about 50% larger.
I can’t tell.
Bigger and physics. I can honestly live with them the size they are but I was hoping for physics at least.
its not a 20 25 dollar transmog it will be lower quality of course lol
I was expecting them to have some sort of flap animation after jumping, but apparently not.
Well if they ain’t disappearing your one of the lucky ones thankfully they been working on that bug fix forever and still adding store mogs that disappear.
People complained about the bone wing physics on the beta. Now we have this.
Think of them as like the Halloween wings that you put on like a backpack.
Wings kinda suck. Would have been nice if we had a new allied race for pre order to give us something to work on for a while. Just sayin’.
I liked the BFA and Legion pre orders better.
I mogged the wings… then i mogged back the Venthyr spike wings which at least move and are good in size for what they are.
BUT have you guys tried the Dragon pet???
He’s pretty big and gets on a personal mount when you fly! Looks cool af.
I kinda want that mount now.
That’s the true gain, lol
But hopefully they add physics and make the wings larger too to fix them.
Look at the picture that came along with the pre-order announcement.
I mean they don’t look all that big in the picture. Are they actually even smaller in game?
why not 100% larger lol
Yeah… I’m not sure why they’d make them so tiny.
They look ridiculous, I agree.
the wings need to be bigger and have some sort of animation if they’re gonna be hiding weapons.
1 dozen boneless honey bbq please!
Perhaps so that come 10.1.5 they can announce:
Now in the Blizzard store: Regal Wings of the royal Dragon
For 29.99 you can purchase the Regal wings of the Royal Dragon for your very own! With Flapping Physics!
disclamer:RegalWingsoftheRoyalDragon doesnotgivetheuserflightorglidingorslowfalloranything.Theyjustflapwhenyoujump.Thatsit.
Yes, they really need to make them bigger. If you transmog it to a male Tauren, you won’t even notice them on. Even if you hide the shoulderpads!