Pre-expansion update question


I am currently sitting on over 20,000 polished pet charms. Does anyone have positive confirmation yes or no if anything is going to happen this Tuesday to screw me and make all of these useless? (like happened to so many players with the pre-expansion update two years ago)

They already confirmed in a blue post there would be no currency changes.

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The Blue announcement promised:

First, we have no plans to make a new pet charm currency this expansion. Polished Pet Charms will remain the standard currency to buy new pets, toys, consumables, and all of the other normally-available vendor purchases.

There was no mention though of whether we’re going to see inflation, things now costing more charms than they used to, so we may get a surprise there. I’m buying up a few stacks of the Marked Flawless Battle Stones that upgrade pets to rare, just in case. They come in handy.

Thank you both, I was aware of the no change in currency, but a few months ago some posters up here were floating the idea that they were going to nerf our current charms and make them older versions which are now all but useless. I assume there has been no confirmation that is happening.

I highly doubt Blizzard would screw us over like that. Admit they could do it, but remember the switch from Shiny to Polished Pet Charms may not have been advertised widely, but was well known about in this forum.

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20,000, wow!!

Has anyone on beta seen vendor items for the polished charms added yet?

Yea, 10 pets for 250 PPC each, and 1 item (250 PPC) required to craft a new pet.

Existing vendors that has bandages, treats, battlestones, etc. still accepts PPC.


Thank you, Quintessence!