Pre-event question

I know the bosses spawn at 4 different locations and rotate, but does anyone have the zones they spawn in I had the link saved but i seemed to of lost it.

I’m sure someone will come up with a WeakAuras or something to make things easier to track.

I just need to know the 4 zones they spawn in, im only going to camp 1 of them, they all will drop the same stuff so instead of flying to each one

You’ll be able to undertake a quest in each zone during the event that will ask for you to defeat one of the event bosses as follows:

  • Only Darkness: Remembered Lich King Slain (Dragonblight)
  • Broken Masquerade: Remembered Onyxia Slain (Dustwallow Marsh)
  • Champion of the Waterlords: Remembered Firelord Slain (Searing Gorge)
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this is what i wanted thanks


there are supposed to be portals to all the events so setting your hearthstone to Dalaran and just using portals means minimal flying

Actually you don’t even need to set hearthstone since portals back as well.

‘The event occurs in four stages and cycles between three zones. Portals in Dalaran will be available to take you directly to the event staging area and a return portal is available in each of the event zones so that players can quickly return to Dalaran and head into the next occurrence of the event. When the event is active in a zone, the portal will have an additional golden glow to indicate that it is active.’

interesting didnt know this NEW dalaran or wrath dalaran?

not sure but you get quests to go there

ya just read that thanks mate

if we buy the horde mount does that count as the alliance mount for our alliance toons?