Pre Event in Poor Taste

Are you trolling OP? This has nothing to do with covid or the riots and was announced LONG before it was a thing. Additionally we all knew it was coming the second the crown was busted anyways. At least anyone that experienced the cinematic at the end of WoTLK I advise you watch it.

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Zombie Party!

 this really does look like WoW

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Yes, so many people have been killed in this zombie pandemic we’re in the middle of.

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You know, IRL my grandma just passed away this july 5th from Covid, NOT from being a zombie.

You are making it seem something it is not.

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Mmm, these tears. They’re so salty. I love it. Cry more for me OP.

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Maybe you should grow some thinker skin. Like a ghoul

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Fun fact. Wow expacs are planned 2 expacs in advance. Now I’m not sure whether that includes prepatch events but if it does, it means this was planned since legion was current. Well before the pandemic.

I feel like this thread should be the new GD drinking game for the foreseeable future.

Every time it pops up again we take a shot!

I totally called it.

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Did you call it, or did you cause it. Maybe this person saw your comment and decided it was good idea to use it to troll.

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Eh who knows. But yep I saw it coming.

And here you are, the loudest colour of them all.


that phrasing. 50/50 odds on you being called racist.

Practice social distancing from ghouls and infected players and you’ll be fine.

Man, they likely planned this WAY before the pandemic became a thing. Not only that but it’s supposed to be just another version of the WOTLK event from 12 years ago. The timing is unfortunate, yes, but should they really toss aside all the work they put in for it because of events beyond their control?

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BRB downloading the PTR to enjoy the pre-patch event before people get it killed before going to live.

People up in arms about the event yet still fall back on the classic “Blizzard always patches the fun out of the game” smh.

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Man, I’m bummed to read this. Thank you - selfishly (as in, I’m being selfish) - for being your positive, funny self on these forums amidst all this.

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If you guys had just worn masks and kept Goldshire closed this wouldn’t have happened.