Pre Event in Poor Taste

I swear some people would find the colour BLUE offensive. It must really suck to be offended at everything in life.

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That’s planned for the 4th quarter of 2020. Can’t rush these things!

What in the world
 It’s a video game, guys.


That is why I do it

If this is considered ‘insensitive’ to you, God I hope Blizzard and the world become more ‘insensitive’.

I can finally identify as my character in game as in real life!

Infecting everyone I can for the glory of papa nurgle!

RL sometimes mirrors art.

This was planned long before the pandemic became a thing.

If you don’t like it, don’t participate.

The world has become so sensitive now, this is what happens when we do not discipline and give away participation trophies.

Do you have a problem with Canadians??

They hog all the bacon and syrup.

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Well true but I mean aside from that. Also we have stronger beer and hockey if the covid ever goes away

You can keep the hockey tho.

Nobody else wants that.

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Of all the Chaos Gods to rear up during 2020 why did it have to be Nurgle?

I was hoping for the year of Slaanesh at least.

Shut up. No it’s not.

Grandfather loves his children. He just wants to shower you in his affection!

Slaanesh is temporary, Papa Nurgle is forever!

Do trolls even bother trying anymore?

< sarcasm >Let’s just cancel everything because everything is insensitive to someone.< /sarcasm > :woman_facepalming:t2:

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This isn’t reasonable and there’s no issue. This is an event that’s happened twice in this game so far and a very popular one at that.

If you can stretch this to equate a wave of uncontrollable zombies overrunning the world to the real world
 you need to relax and get out more.

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I’d say it’s the perfect time for it, Mr. Forum Troll. It’s very topical. lol

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How is it a cruel joke?

This will actually be the second time it has happened.

There was war when real wars were happening. The same for famine. Murder, the loss of kin and country. There was always a real tragedy to parallel with any in-game, or we wouldn’t care about them. A mage losing their magic might be tragic, but it’s not compelling, because we’ve never felt it.

Maybe this hits too close to home for some, but that’s why it’s rated T for teen, so’s not to expose those less able to control their emotions.