Sir. You linked the wrong person lol.
I know lol tried to fix it but was waiting for someone to reply, thank you!
Aww here come the excuses
Now let’s compare heroic.
Myself and two guildies pugged the first boss in heroic.
Your kill had a parse of 55% at 533746 at 602 with a kill time of 9 minutes and 2 seconds.
My pug kill had a parse of 73% at 590,730 at 604 ilvl with a kill time of 9 minutes 25 seconds.
So I beat you by almost 60k in a fight 23 seconds longer. You got smoked.
How am I a carry when I’m in the top on most fights?
Rofl the excuses bro. You got smashed outside of two fights.
You have two set. I do not.
This is where your lack of knowledge on logs is showing. My ilvl parse was an 85 not a 75.
Your ilvl parse was a 75 rofl. Which means I actually played the fight better. You just did more damage because of ilvl and two set.
So yes you parsed a 93 overall and a 75 by ilvl versus my 75 overall with an 85 by ilvl which means you in fact did not “out class me”
I was 590 ilvl compared to your 602.
You don’t have ideal buffs which drags the score and dps down. Like my guild don’t have augment, shaman or the pocket priest snozay uses to get 10th place. With that his scores are passing, but he is actually keeping his guild down. They already have hunter’s mark, so no real reason to keep last place dps. Get more wars and use infusion on a better hunter or something else. My guild is ultra casual, but we do the mythics and that is why my beastie needs the buffs now. Not in a month and a half. A hunter barely passes in raid with ideal buffs, and the AOE is suck for mythics. Pugging mythics as a beastie, you better be the leader of the group.
My guild doesn’t have an Aug evoker.
I’m not getting PI
Usually in the top 5 actually.
WE play BM if i wanted to play MM or surv. we would not be posting here. WE do not want to play other specs that’s the point here
Then deal with tuning till they fix it.
You’re right, I misread the logs, fact is, I did more damage than you and even out damaged you in a pug heroic group.
You going to take that bro? Better get in here and defend that non-existent ego!
You did more damage than I did because of ilvl and tier set.
You didn’t out play me. Your ilvl parse being drastically lower than your ilvl parse shows that.
No you didn’t. In what reality is 590k less that 533k?
The cope is strong with you
Nothing to defend. The logs show the facts. Not my fault he ignores them
Compared a pug heroic kill to his guilds heroic kill and even with a shorter fight duration he still lost.
Please fix BM AOE. It’s disgusting…doing below tank damage on some pulls in mythic+
dont think they care, theyve made it very clear by buffing classes that are already high performing lol
best to learn MM
I’m doing survival at the moment, but I hate it. The damage is great and I have my pet abilities like lust, but I want my BM back. BM is so bad right now that it’s unplayable in a group. I don’t even know why I am amazed after this many years, but I am. I am amazed that Blizzard can and will just destroy your hero like they do. I don’t think it’s an accident or incompetence either. Sure, they aren’t lacking in that department, but I think it’s intentional.
why would it be intentional?
Anniversary patch is coming. I know it sucks to wait but it’s coming.
Yeah, I have no clue why they want to make a highly played class just downright angry.
Someone at bliz must have been owned by a hunter and they have an ego issue bigger than snozay.
fact still stands, so far I out dps you on first heroic boss with same ilvl, get wrecked
Can I join the d*ck measuring contest