Praying to the Beast Mastery gods for help

BM AOE is definitely sad right now, I’ve been a hunter main since TBC and seen the ups and downs. I’m a mythic raider and doing M0 with my guild is embarrassing until it comes to single target bosses . AOE is severely underperforming compared to most other classes, sad when a tank is out performing you in trash pulls. Wasn’t like that last expansion. Unfortunately all we can do is voice our concern and hope Blizzard is listening and willing to make some kind of temporary hotfix to help our cleave damage before the big update. Waiting til November to push high keys is going to be a sad time for other BM mains. :face_exhaling:


Yep, sucks.

There is no way Blizzard is not aware of how bad it is, and still haven’t heard a peep except for, ‘here are some changes 1-2 months from now glhf.’


You can swap to MM or survival as an option.

Been doing zeros as sv and enjoying it a ton.


Good for you but I don’t like the other 2 specs, and what kind of logic is that? “Oh your favorite spec isn’t viable, just play one of the other two.” I shouldn’t have to learn how to play another spec I don’t even enjoy, especially when there was nothing wrong with BM last expansion before the horrible rework. With that logic I might as well reroll a new class all together and just play META, dude you’re something else lol you obviously spend way too much time on the forums just to talk.


Your favorite spec is not always going to be viable in all sorts of content. BM was deservedly nerfed because it was vastly over performing during the prepatch.

I mean talk about a reach. You play a hunter. If you choose to limit yourself to one spec thats your issue.


Telling people to play survival is such a weird take to me. If they enjoy BM, they probably enjoy ranged dps so why recommend a melee spec?


Because they play a hunter. I prefer ranged but SV is also pretty fun


I’m glad you enjoy survival, but guess what, not everyone likes the same thing as you. No player should ever be forced to play something else because lack of tuning, that is literally Blizzard’s job to even out the playing field and “balance” classes/specs. They made a mistake and would be nice if they fixed it. Deservedly nerfed? lol if they had every other spec doing less damage then tanks on trash pulls you wouldn’t be saying that. Well idk, you might, considering your logic, you’d probably say something like, yeah, all the dps were too OP so they had to be nerfed and tanks should probably do more damage.


No one is forced to do anything. It’s unrealistic to expect your class to be strong at all times.

Bm was doing 45% more damage than every other class in pre patch. It was overtuned.

Yiu clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Typical heroic raider.

There is a difference between wanting it to be strong and wanting it to be at least in the same realm as the middle of the pack.

And now it does awful aoe and players asking for it to be buffed are pretty valid in asking for that


I didn’t say that wasn’t a bad thing but expecting your spec to be top in all things is a bit unrealistic.

Never said they shouldn’t.

But the guy I’m responding too is saying it wasn’t overtuned to begin with. I don’t think he played prepatch because I don’t think he realized how BM was overtuned.

did anyone say that not really seeing it anywhere?


Not directly.

Yeah cuz u said this lol bm being strong in prepatch doesn’t mean it should now just do significantly less aoe than the median. Why are you refuting imaginary arguments no one is saying bm should be the god of aoe.


Yeah, I’m not even responding to that guy and his made up stories anymore, the dude is starved for attention and says things just to say them. I never said that BM shouldn’t have been nerfed, specifically said they should have been properly tuned to at least be close in dps to other specs. His skills in context are lacking significantly.


The dude is certifiably nuts I am afraid.

Trust me its intentional. He gets off on this. Literally crazy.


And youre borderline obsessed :joy:

Nah you just didn’t articulate very well.

No one has said bm aoe shouldn’t be buffed.

You would like that. Just calling you out on your BS yet again. Did you google “Do all human being have a ego” yet? Apparently its my job to educate your ignorance. Just curious if you are capable of admitting your wrong despite trying to argue against literal facts lol.

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They funny thing is we weren’t even reworked THAT much.

My rotation is still mostly the same as it used to be, I just have different talents and I drop dots on things now.

I wanted to run pack master just because it seemed more on-brand but it’s so not great I am cornered into dark ranger which means I hit black arrow now too I guess.

Anyway, yeah, I’ve also mained beast master since TBC and this might be as bad as I’ve seen us. At least in terms of AoE. But it’s still demoralizing to be narrowly topping charts on single target boss fights and dropping down below the tank the second we have to deal with multiple targets while the other dps are doing wll.


I was very curious about his raiding experience because at first glance someone might think his profile is impressive with the mythic kills that are listed, turns out it’s all pre-patch logs, so his guild actually went out of their way to inflate their progress by killing stuff pre-patch when their toons were OP. Talk about ego, but alas no actual mythic kills when the content was relevant, had 0 awakened mythic kills. The other thing that was odd about his logs, almost as if someone played his character in the last raid tier of ATDH heroic, because his parses were pretty bad the first raid tier, got a little better in Aberrus then crazy good in ATDH. Looks shady for sure, dude probably pays money/gold to have his character run through content. Wouldn’t surprise me since he’s definitely that kind of ego driven person.